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Editorial: Trump 2.0 - Smash Racist Deportations & Borders

Refugee, indigenous, or legalized—no one is safe from the crisis of capitalism. In just the first week since Klansman Donald Trump’s second inauguration, over 4,500 people have been arrested (Washington Times, 1/28). Amid a barrage of racist and sexist attacks—banning diversity programs—Trump


Dump Trump & All: Communists Fight Deportations

Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES, CA, FEBRUARY 1 —“We will hide you. In our school, in our homes— we will do what’s necessary to protect you. We are a community and we will take care of you.” As undocumented students shared their fears during the Advisory about the changes to immigration policies with the


Part 3: How Bolsheviks built a mass party

( See Challenge January 15 and January 29, 2025, for the first and second parts of this series: “Part 1: How Bolsheviks Built a Mass Revolutionary Party” - https://plp.org/home/challenge-newspaper/13408-part-1-how-bolsheviks-built-a-mass-revolutionary-party  and “Part 2: How Bolsheviks Built Mass


Kentucky: Same enemy, same fight, to smash this sexist, racist system we must unite!

FRANKFORT, KY, January 18- Instead of mourning Donald Trump's inauguration as the chief sexist and racist, Kentucky Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members led a rally against sexism and in support of...

Washington, DC: We need a communist revolution

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 18 – On inauguration weekend, members of the revolutionary communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and friends joined in protesting the reinstatement of Deporter-in-Chief...

CHICAGO: Melt ICE, smash capitalism

The class struggle surrounding racist raids, arrests, and deportations is intensifying by the minute here in Chicago and around the country. The new vile administration of President Donald Trump has...

Ceasefire won’t end death and destruction

The following text is an excerpt from a flyer being distributed by the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members in the California Bay Area. To read the full text please visit PLP.org. No doubt over two...

Palestine-Israel: Working people have no nation

Today the world-wide movement against genocide continues.  Many supporters of Palestine wave Palestinian flags proclaiming “From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free.” But nowhere have...

Letters . . . 12 February 2025

Organizing to protect students Dear CHALLENGE, I’m a communist teacher, organizing in my school for two decades. This is the first time I have been in a room with a multigenerational group of 25...