
Colombia: Crisis of Imperialism

26 February 2016 34 hits

COLOMBIA, February 24—The embattled imperialists, feeling the pressure from the current over productive crisis and the costs of war, are busy with their policies of super exploitation, racism, fascism, sexism, cultural degradation, and the pillage and destruction of the environment. All of this is done in order to try and solve their financial crisis. This has always been done with the aid of their puppet regimes all over the world.
In the case of Colombia, this means the imposition of miserable conditions for the working class; helped along by the sellouts in the trade unions who are totally complicit in these murderous policies.
The paltry minimum salary of about $207 (USD) a month is a far cry from the $8,000 monthly salary of congressmen, further evidence of the fascist and oppressive capitalist regime.
The commercialization of life in the health sector, where our class sisters and brothers are nothing more than statistics and thousands agonize and die waiting for a simple medical appointment, is still not even the worst that capitalism offers.
Hunger strikes millions who often live malnourished, not even eating what the pets of the wealthy enjoy. The setting could not be worse for our class who are left at the bottom of the social pyramid only to maintain this miserable, corrupt, and oppressive system. This system that uses sleight of political hand to fool workers into thinking capitalism is just, and where economics of “plenty and peace” reign supreme; all the while unleashing violence on those who do not tow the line.
The working class knows though, that the solution to our collective problems does not exist in this society. Workers know that the laws of capitalist profit contradict the peace or quality of life they deserve.
We in the PLP organize in the interest of the international proletariat and support all of their struggles. We do this with the recognition that only the eventual communist revolution will see an end to the dark night of capitalism. We do not fight to reform the system, but rather we organize for worker’s power. What we want is everything we produce. We want no more fake pacifism between classes; the peace of the rich is oppression, death, and the decimation of the poor. JOIN PLP!