

29 February 2016 34 hits

Anaheim, CA, February 27—The Ku Klux Klan scums showed up to hold a racist “White Lives Matter” rally against Muslim and immigrant workers. But 200 anti-racists, including communists Progressive Labor Party, put an end to that before it started. Stopping a rally by these terrorists is a small victory in the fight against racism.

We are working now to get anti-racists out of jail. The racist cops targeted anti-Klan demonstrators while racists were stabbing people. Hugo Contreras and Mark Liddell, who are members of Unitarian Universalist congregations, were among those arrested and still held on “elder abuse” charges. Hugo has a broken arm, possibly at the hands of the police. The cops have now released all of the Klansmen—saying the stabbings were justified. Meanwhile, they trump up charges against anti-racists. The police are bigger racist terrorists than the Klan.

Mass incarceration holds 7.3 million in jail, prison, probation or parole and stigmatizes another 13 million as felons.

The biggest terrorists are the capitalists and their military. Obama’s ICE police are rounding up and deporting immigrant workers in record numbers—2.5 million since 2009. The U.S. military has or controls at least 700 military bases or installations worldwide as it engages in constant warfare. All of this is in service of a small class of capitalists, particularly oil interests responsible for constant wars in the Persian Gulf region.

Only communist revolution can end these racist horrors. We will create a society without their racism, exploitation, sexism, mass incarceration, and terror against the working class. Join us in celebration of the international workers’ holiday, May Day.

KKK leader hits the pavement


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