
Challenge as Organizing Tool: Int’l School Study Communism

30 September 2016 36 hits

COLOMBIA—A PLP international school was held in Bogota recently; participants included comrades, sympathizers, friends of PL and CHALLENGE readers from the U.S. and Colombia. Comrades from the Central Committee gave an important and motivating report showing how PLP is present with our newspaper CHALLENGE in revolutionary struggles worldwide: Haiti, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Algeria and Mexico among 27 countries internationally.
What stood out clearly is that the Party’s ideas are solid and dialectical. We all agreed that the principle contradiction in the world now is inter-imperialist rivalry and that workers should not support any gang of rulers. Nationalism, revisionism (phony leftism), and reformist ideas are a danger for the working class since they divide and pacify us with their aim to try to “improve” capitalism and its social inequities—an impossible task.
We also agreed with the report and situational analysis by the Colombian comrades, which cited the current capitalist crisis as creating a rise in fascism, racism, war, the super-exploitation of labor and the plunder of the world’s natural resources, leaving workers in misery and desolation. We also analyzed the state of the international proletariat, pointing out that we should continue advancing our work and the study of our communist ideas.
One disagreement arose when a friend defended socialism as a necessary step toward communism. This led to a small debate that clarified the Party’s line on why we fight directly for communism, an aim that has always been the historical goal of the working class. We must also note the important political advances made by the young workers who analyzed the current situation, spoke about their own political activity, and contributed by translating into Spanish the reports given by our North American comrades.
We finished by evaluating the school with our Party comrades, which inspired us to continue working and fighting for communism. We all have the task of building our Party and developing new clubs and study groups. We all must write for CHALLENGE and distribute more copies among our friends and family members to expand our social base with communist ideas.
A comradely hug from our friends and readers. Many thanks and hope for success in the important job of informing the working class.