
Colombia: Youth Raise Red Flags High

13 October 2016 39 hits

COLOMBIA—We are a group of young students, unemployed, workers, and soccer players. We are tired of war, bureaucracy, hunger, unemployment, injustice, capitalist laws that serve the few, inequality, the grave economic crisis, and tricks of all kinds played against the working class. We saw the need to organize a work and revolutionary action collective, and through this undertake the political road to building a party. Since we did not have the ideological base and were politically disoriented, one of our first steps was to participate—at the invitation of PLP members—in the May 1st “International Worker’s Day” march.
More than 30 of our youth participated; and it was there among the loud chants and slogans that we were introduced to some of the party’s ideas. Many of our comrades saw this as the organization and line we needed. So amid the debates and the literature we began to learn, and have since formed a new CHALLENGE readers’ group with 12 members.
This summer, we participated in a PLP meeting about working-class internationalism. It was a joy to meet comrades from around the world, and to realize that, like here, comrades are doing serious work and revolutionary struggle to transform society. Thanks to this meeting, we are writing this piece. It is the first time that we have collectively written to the party on our own initiative.
We now participate in sporting and social events, trying to build a base for the Party’s ideas. We also take part in different forums and debates around the recent peace process between the government and Colombian revisionism (see page 2). By their actions, these fake leftists support the government, exploiting disarmament to derail working-class struggle and use this class collaboration to maintain the failing system of capitalism. Our position is that as long as there is capitalism, it is inevitable there will be war. It is for this reason we call on our friends and other militants not to vote at all, but rather to organize for a communist revolution and worker’s power.
We want the bosses to be warned. Every day we are more convinced about what we do, and the importance of the class struggle fills us with courage. We know full well the responsibility we have to win more youth to continue holding high the red communist banners, the banners of PLP. Forward, comrades of the world!