
Bronx College Students Build Wall Against Racism

25 November 2016 41 hits

THE BRONX, November 17—“This makes me want to get even more involved!
“This felt really good!”
“For the first time in a long time, I don’t feel trapped!”
So spoke three college students in the Bronx after two weeks of antiracist organizing on their campus. This included a mini-walkout, forums, film showings, protests and study groups.
Members and friends of the Progressive Labor Party are playing a leading role in this growing fight back! We are discussing revolution and communism with our friends, old and new. The idea is catching on that “It’s not just Trump, it’s capitalism!”
Wall Against Racism
The day after the elections, hundreds of students attended Social Justice forums on campus and pledged to get involved in campus fight backs. A few days later, a dozen students walked out of one class with their professor chanting, “Racism means we have to fight back!” and held a rally near the cafeteria. Two days later, more than 50 students organized a “wall against racism” and rallied and chanted in front of the school. Speeches were given about the need to fight racism worldwide and the need to have multiracial unity.
Many are seeing the outcome of the Trump election as their signal to get politically involved. On our campuses, the issue of the possible deportation of undocumented students and workers and the racist harassment of Black, Latin, and Muslim students has been front and center. At the same time, many students are realizing that the Democrats, with their mass deportations and mass incarceration, are no solution either. The whole damn system has to go.
In the last few weeks, many new students have come forward to give leadership in these events. They have helped to organize protests, they have given speeches, they are discussing how to fight racism and organize for revolution. They are the future leaders leaders of the movement we are building for a better world!