
Bosses Put Profit Over Disabled Workers’ Health

13 July 2017 37 hits

Healthcare and Congress’ alternative to the (Un)Affordable Care Act is a hot topic. People all over the U.S. have been fighting back on these possible health care cuts. On this date there was a rally held in Indianapolis, Indiana to confront Senator Todd. Todd, and the ruling class are proposing cutting Medicaid, which will have a deadly effect on people with disabilities. The racist cuts will also hit Black workers heavily. Twenty-eight percent of adult Black workers under 65 depend on Medicaid. At the demonstration, cops showed no mercy to workers with disabilities as they stole phones to erase evidence and assaulted others—sending one person to the hospital.
ADAPT, a disability rights organization, asked its members to engage with politicians about the deadly affect this could have.
The ruling class will do anything to promote the idea that workers are just another commodity. When profits are main concern, workers with disabilities are seen as people who can’t carry their weight in society (i.e. pad the bosses pockets) and do not deserve handouts. The bosses will turn right around and give the same vicious treatment to any member of the working class who dare oppose their tyranny.
Too often, not enough comrades are present to build among the people to put their bodies on the line to oppose the bosses’ greed. The working class has to be present, active, and able to organize with lack of accessibility. If we fellow workers do not show up to these struggles, we leave our comrades with disabilities behind with dead-end reformist lines. We as workers can not afford to undervalue the leadership that workers with disabilities can bring to our ranks. Our fight for a communist world is one that seeks the end of the mistreatment of workers with disabilities by developing all of us into leaders of communist revolution.