
Shut Racist Spencer’s Trap

24 November 2017 31 hits

BAY AREA, November 15—Over 300 students at Stanford protested anti-Muslim racist Robert Spencer. Spencer didn’t learn his lesson from the first three times he was protested at college campuses this year. He founded the uber-racist journal Jihad Watch and founded the equally anti-Muslim racist and Zionist organization Stop Islamization of America. He is also a two-time bestseller at the liberal imperialist mouthpiece the New York Times.
Students lined up early to pack the room, and the antiracists filled all the seats except the ones reserved for the Stanford college Republicans and their friends.
 Part way through the talk, we all stood up and walked out. Spencer and his cronies taunted the antiracists, calling them “fragile leftwing fascists.” After the walkout, students who participated and more antiracists who couldn’t get into the event rallied outside.
One member and one friend of PLP encouraged students to overcome fear of administrative retaliation. The antiracist actions revealed the university bosses’ racist nature by supporting the Stanford Republicans and bullying antiracist students. See full analysis next issue.