
Vigorous May Day in East Africa

17 May 2018 30 hits

EAST AFRICA—Throughout cities and rural areas, PLP members united 650 teachers, students, parents, and workers to celebrate May Day in solidarity with working people around the world.
At these events, we discussed the fascist government crackdowns and the attacks on students’ education and teachers’ working conditions. We also discussed the need for communism and how it was different from the socialism of the 20th century.
University students in one meeting reported feeling deeply satisfied, saying it was the first time they had ever participated in this type of “strong discussion.” They were inspired that the college students and everyday workers were meeting together to discuss these issues on an equal basis.
 The fascist conditions throughout the region require our members to organize with skill and cunning and to have profound confidence in our base of friends.
A big red salute to our courageous and resourceful comrades in East Africa for confronting the fascist onslaught and bringing this historical holiday and its vision of workers’ power to our class.