
Refugees from Venezuela face racist & sexist misery

09 March 2019 38 hits

COLOMBIA—The capitalists’ strategy, based on sexism, individualism, nationalism, racism —basically everything that can keep us divided and oppressed—is manifested in our daily life. Without realizing it, we fall into this trap by taking positions that delay the revolutionary struggle for a better world. In the case of racism, it manifests itself in many workers from Colombia, who, forgetting their miserable situation, look and speak contemptuously of workers from Venezuela who have immigrated to Colombia these days.
Sexism and racism are manifested in frequent comments to these proletarians, blaming them for the current wave of crime, insecurity, and prostitution, as well as lowering wages and stealing work. In the place where I work, I have discussed issues with my coworkers, making them see that in the past many workers from Colombia immigrated to Venezuela, trying to escape from the bosses’ war and seeking to improve their economic situation and but returning empty-handed, just like that many who have sought the “American dream,” only to suffer from wage slavery and racist oppression. Therefore, capitalism keeps us fleeing and trying to escape from its prison by looking for “better bosses.”There are also conscious comrades who state that nationalism only serves the capitalist politicians, who use it to divide and exploit us, and that only uniting with the working class and promoting proletarian internationalism can help us improve our situation. It is our duty to support ourselves without looking at nationality. But it is essential that this international working-class unity is politically oriented to fight against our class enemies, the capitalists all over the world.
For that, it’s necessary to spread the revolutionary politics of Progressive Labor Party and its newspaper CHALLENGE, as an ideological weapon that allows us to initiate the struggle in an organized way, for the destruction of warmongering, oppression, and unnatural imperialism, and the building of communism. Communism is our most natural way of living in a dignified manner, away from all the capitalist scourges, economic crises, and onslaught against workers. Fights against the bosses by the workers give us great opportunities to unite to defeat nationalism, racism, sexism, and individualism as we build an international working-class base for communist revolution.