BOSTON, MA—Hundreds of workers at Wayfair Inc. walked out against their company’s sale of beds for an immigrant detention center that housed children at Carrizo Springs, Texas (the same detention center where the PLP held a summer project protest, page 1).Strikes and protests by workers against fascist detention centers can help build the movement to destroy capitalism. This fightback is a good example of what workers should do and we as a class must be wary of political misleadership that will not lead us to the only solution to destroying fascism: communist revolution.
Workers organize; bosses co-opt
When the workers realized that Wayfair was selling beds to BCFS, a contractor who supplied the immigrant concentration camps, about 550 of them signed a letter of protest. They made several demands: no more business with BCFS, donate profits to help reunite immigrant families and institute a code of ethics so this wouldn’t happen again. The billionaire CEO Niraj Shah, a son of immigrants, rejected the demands and the workers decided, in the end, to have the walkout.
One of the walkout leaders was Maddie Howard, a Democratic Socialist. No surprise then that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib, both Democratic Socialist congressional representatives, supported the action with AOC tweeting: “[t]his is what solidarity looks like — a reminder that everyday people have real power, as long as we’re brave enough to use it.”
Through this struggle, many Wayfair workers have begun seeing through the so-called apolitical nature of big business. Some of them said, “If this is how the free market works, I don’t like it.”
They also saw how workers make the system run: if we withhold our labor, the fascist machine can’t function. These insights are powerful when taken to their final conclusion: workers can run society in our interests without the need of the bosses’ capitalist system! Then and only then will there be no borders and no children dying in concentration camps.
Liberal bosses the main danger
Instead, the Democratic Socialists and the big liberal fascists they have tied their movement to offer misleadership. They mainly criticize Trump’s overt and gutter style of fascism. They don’t point out that Barack Obama, the deporter in chief, built these concentration camps and imprisoned entire families including women and children. The liberal fascists built these cages! And, they just voted to fund even more camps and more cages. More children will die. The liberal fascists don’t push Trump’s border wall. They push an even more dangerous option: biometric screenings, drone surveillance and better technology at the border. This means more death as desperate immigrant workers will take riskier routes through deserts to avoid these traps.
These big liberal fascists push the ideas of reforming capitalism. They try to convince workers that this despicable and inhumane system can be made to function for us. That as U.S. imperialism ravages the world with bombs, hunger and chaos, it can be taught to respect human rights! That we can have “just” borders.
This is why the Progressive Labor Party warns the working class: the big Liberal Fascist wing of the ruling class and the parties they control are our biggest threat. They will try and mobilize us to support their brand of fascism as they mobilize our young people in their multi-cultural, multi-gendered Armed Forces for the upcoming wars against their ascendant and resurgent rivals: China and Russia.
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Wayfair workers lead the way; reject liberal fascist bosses’ trap!
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- 12 July 2019 123 hits