
Revolutionary potential of CUNY students

14 September 2019 104 hits

NEW YORK CITY, September 9— A part-time history instructor at the City University of New York (CUNY) offers a description of “back to school” first days. “Where does the anti-racist club meet? I want to join!” Two days in class and students are already showing a great interest in fighting back as well as an openness to communist ideas. Ten students signed up to join our Activist Club, 30 copies of CHALLENGE were distributed and students have been engaging in sharp and lively discussions about the history of the United States and the kind of future we want.
On day one, we reviewed the early history of the U.S. from Columbus to the Civil War. After a brief summary of the events from 1619 (arrival of first Black indentured servants in Jamestown) to 1865, students pointed out that the main aspect of U.S. society was racism, whether the institution of slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, the war with Mexico or the Civil War. A student posed the question: Can we ever stop racism? Students mentioned that racism was taught and learned and that we are not born racist. When asked to answer the question, almost the entire class thought we could not end racism. Would it take a revolution? Almost every hand went up. That was a good time to share CHALLENGE with the class.
On Day two, we started to examine the Reconstruction era right after the Civil War and look at the great achievements made by Black workers and white workers in trying to build an equal society. We talked about the changes that were fought for and the hardships that were faced. There was a debate about which was more important, voting or owning land.  I was able to point out how politicians come to our community, one of the poorest in the U.S., seeking votes but that’s about it.  A few students challenged the idea that voting is the way to change society. One student said, “The change must always come from us, not from any politicians.” So that was an opportunity to discuss student organizing, challenging tuition hikes and other issues on campus (e.g., broken elevators, long lines to get ID cards, shortage of classes, and limited healthy food options in the cafeteria).
We are looking forward to this semester on campus, discussing Progressive Labor Party’s (PLP’s) ideas with students and engaging in class struggle. We have a new study group that is discussing the history of our revolutionary communist movement and involving students in supporting the demand for higher wages for part-time teachers and challenging the bosses’ tuition increases.