
Big Fascists pay big price for Small Fascist Trump’s impeachment

26 October 2019 150 hits

The Trump withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria is ratcheting up the fight between the Big Fascist and Small Fascist U.S. ruling class factions. The Big Fascist liberal bosses’ move to impeach and discipline Trump and his ilk is continuing to expose the weaknesses in the institutions of the capitalist state. Trump is being further unmasked as a self-serving opportunist who has cut a deal to serve his Small Fascist masters, as well as himself. Segregationist architect of mass incarceration Joe Biden is also being exposed as being personally corrupt, as his son Hunter has been given free rein to cash in on the family name.
The in-fighting is lifting the curtain from the bosses’ institutions. Both sides are laying bare the cynical blackmailing and leveraging that goes on behind the scenes every day. No U.S. president going forward will be able to lead unencumbered by skepticism about personal corruption and being owned by one set of bosses or the other. As the house of the U.S. ruling class is being engulfed in escalating battles between fascist factions, our class’ way forward is to advance in the face of fear and reject whatever bribes or false hopes are offered by either section of these murderers. We must fight for communist revolution and workers’ power.
The damage to the rulers’ image caused by impeachment speaks to the desperation of the Big Fascist liberal bosses to regain control of the presidency. Over the last 70 years, tremendous power has been concentrated in the White House. The Trump presidency has amounted to a sustained assault on the institutions—the CIA, NATO, the UN—holding up a U.S.-imperialist-led world order that has been in place since the end of World War II. Over that entire period, the power concentrated in the White House has only grown, making it the grand prize of U.S. ruling class power. The U.S. ruling class has become the most powerful and deadly in history in the ecosystem of these institutions.  
This situation served the big fascists well when they had more complete control of the system. More recently, the big fascist liberal bosses saw a stronger president as a way to control the small fascist domestic bosses. A move in that direction, buried in the Hart-Rudman report (2001), was a proposal to undercut the power of the House of Representatives, where the Small Fascists had won control of many districts, with the formation of a national steering committee made up of the president and the leadership of the House and Senate.
As the Small Fascists gained strength and took control of the Senate, the Big Fascists saw the presidency as their line in the sand. In 2016, in anticipation of Hillary Clinton getting elected, the major liberal academic expert on the U.S. presidency, University of Chicago’s William Howell, called for more power to the office: “Yes [the president should have more power]…because …Congress channels short term local interests” (U of Chicago Big Brains podcast, ep. 27).
Now, with the Small Fascists in control of the White House, Howell, and the rest of the Big Fascists who back him, have changed their tune, saying:
“There are some powers that the president…has…that should be curtailed…The president’s ability to politicize the Justice Department is deeply problematic. The president’s pardon power is deeply problematic, and the president’s unilateral powers are a mixed bag” (U of Chicago Big Brains podcast, ep. 27).
Liberal patriotism is a cover for growing fascism
The Big Fascist liberal bosses know they may be biting off their nose to spite their face by tearing down the institution. “Democrats may regret…wounding the presidency when Mr. Trump’s successors grapple with the rise of China as a global power, Russia’s revanchism [Ed.–retaliation to regain lost territory], Iran’s quest for regional hegemony and North Korea’s nuclear proliferation” (NY Times, 9/24).
If the Big Fascists can regain the White House, they may try to remake the institution. Don’t be surprised if they move towards the Hart-Rudman proposed gang of fascists-at-the-top model or some other revamping to cement their hold on power.
The inability of the Big Fascist liberal bosses to be assured control of the White House and the delegitimizing of the presidency is a major setback for this fascist faction. Historically, the U.S. bosses have relied on the president to be the face of the ruling class in sending the working class to kill and die for the bosses’ interests. More and bigger wars are on the horizon as the bosses in China and Russia press U.S. imperialism around the globe. An illegitimate president poses huge political problems for the bosses.
To rebuild confidence in their decrepit capitalist system, the Big Fascists are trying to use the liberal movements they lead to incite the fascist slogan: “country first.” But falling for their promise of unity across class lines with the Big Fascist liberals will be devastating for the working class around the world. Our slogan must now and forever be: “power to the working class, fight for communism.”



Big Fascists in Action – U.S. Immigration Policy

Big Fascists are the liberal/imperialist/finance capital wing of the U.S. ruling class. Their plan is to usher in a broader and more devastating multicultural fascism, to discipline their enemies in the ruling class, and attack the working class in preparation for wider wars against their imperialist rivals.  
Immigration is just one window into how dangerous the Big Fascists are. When a fascistic surveillance machinery system called SBI (Secure Border Initiative) was deployed in the Tuscon, Arizona area from 2006 to 2011, migrants were funneled into steep desert terrain that made the area southwest of Tuscon a ‘land of open graves’ with over 1,200 working class migrants perishing over the period SBINet was in place (, 2/11/19). Today’s Democrats, while posing as pro-immigrant in contrast to Trump’s border wall, have supported proposals for a similar ‘smart-border’ wall that will “combine remote sensors, integrated fixed towers, drones and other intelligence assets” and “create a technological barrier too high to climb over, too wide to go around and too deep to burrow under,” in the words of Rep. James Clyburn, the #3 Democrat.
Real-ID is another example of the Big Fascism of the liberal, finance capital-led wing of the U.S. ruling class. Liberal-led mass organizations have pushed hard for undocumented workers to have government-issued ID in sanctuary cities. In 12 states and Washington, D.C., the undocumented have been granted driver’s licenses. Now it turns out that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is using this documentation to gather intelligence for raids in Washington State (NYT, 10/3/19). Soon everyone who wants to fly on a plane must have some sort of nationally-approved ‘Real-ID.’ As well-meaning workers in the mass movement fought for the ‘right’ of ‘ID for all,’ the Big Fascists are lining up all of society for a government-issued standard form of identification that denotes one’s immigration status.
Trump has built a mass racist anti-immigrant movement. To call it “small fascist” does not diminish its danger to our class. Meanwhile, the Big Fascists are mobilizing the anti-racist, pro-worker aspirations of the anti-Trump forces into a movement that will attack workers with even more dangerous assaults than Trump has yet been able to muster. Workers are being given two options, both fascist. PLP’s job is to offer a third—communist revolution.