Colombia November 4,–Recently Progressive Labor Party (PLP) organized a revolutionary communist political school in Colombia, which some of our friends and Challenge readers attended. There were good discussions about racist unemployment, sexism, wage slavery, nationalism, and all the horrors of capitalism; and why we need to build a great social base for communism.
Many participated with spirited political discussions. Several workers and students showed great leadership potential to continue advancing our cadre to a new revolutionary leadership in the construction of the PLP.
In the workshops, many discussed their understanding about unemployment, its moral impact on working families, and how under capitalism, unemployment is inevitable, its relation to anti-immigrant nationalism and the war against the workers, and the need for working class unity always, but especially during this period of capitalist crisis.
We discussed the construction of a political base in different organizations, analyzing the imperialist contradictions, where the liberal wing pretends to be friendly and a benefactor to the working class. Our conclusion was that we need to struggle to create study groups and to distribute Challenge.
These are the main points of the discussion on “wage slavery”:
Capitalism can’t provide full employment because of its internal contradictions and the benefits it gets from unemployment.
Even though the working class is the majority, it is ruled by a minority. The bourgeois state and its legislative apparatus lies, cheats and steals the value that workers created through their labor in order to stay in power.
Capitalists create an army of unemployed workers and keep them divided by racism, individualism, and nationalism.
We need to fight for communist internationalism by supporting workers struggles all over the world.
We need to build our communist line and PLP among rural and city workers, students, and soldiers. This is because it is the only way we can destroy the bosses’ system of exploitation and wage slavery. The capitalist system cannot fulfill workers’ needs;
it only brings misery, hunger, police brutality, bad health, and the destruction of nature.
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Colombia: communist school analyzes wage slavery
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- 08 November 2019 132 hits