
From Indiana to Kenosha, smash racist state terror

25 September 2020 59 hits

INDIANA, August 31 – The ongoing kkkop terrorism that is essential to capitalism has been met around the country with intense antiracist, multiracial fightback. Even when faced with armed gutter racist militias in league with killer cops, workers in areas like Kenosha, Portland and Minnesota stood strong in solidarity.
Unfortunately, some workers have paid with their lives. Members of Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and four other local social justice organizations joined to host this protest rally and march today in support of growing anti-racist and anti-fascist fights.
Building the fight for communism means showing workers what we fight for. It's necessary that we stand with workers in mass organizations who want to fight against capitalist inequality. We also must build genuine, personal relationships with other workers, share our politics as the alternative to voting and pacifism, and win dedicated fighters to our Party.  
Making fightback primary
Approximately 85 workers gathered on the rally day with very short notice, proving that antiracism and antifascism are more present among our class than the capitalist media would have us believe. Despite the most recent murders and attacks by cops across the country, multiracial groups of workers have continued to press forward in the face of politically-sanctioned state terror. The organizers are no strangers to standing up and fighting back in the face of growing oppression.
A point of unity in all comments by speakers was the urge to continue to fight back against the bosses' attacks and the gains made from fighting racism and sexism in unity with each other.  A speaker from an anti-racist group tied Black workers’ fight to the long-term fight of all against injustice in this country. She encouraged workers to continue in this struggle and expressed hope that it will be won.
These views were shared by the family of Jamal Williams, as they spoke about their unwavering fight for justice. Jamal was killed by former cops who were security guards at Community Hospital in Indiana, where he admitted himself due to a mental health crisis. Jamal's parents recounted that the guards attacked him, and responded to his self-defense with fatal gunshots. Even in our times of most need, in places where we're supposed to get treatment, our class is met with bullets. As a Party, we stress that these abuses are not exceptions; they are standard operating procedures under this capitalist system. Jamal’s family, with support of the Party and many other workers in the area, has been leading consistent actions in front of the hospital, demanding justice and policy changes.
From the front lines of Kenosha
A PL’er who traveled twice to Kenosha with other Party members to join workers in militant struggles spoke about how PLP's role has always been to join with workers fighting back, wherever they are.
He gave this message of empowerment that comrades got from their experiences: "I think Kenosha, like Chicago, like Northwest Indiana, Baltimore, like Watts in the 1960s, all these different things are showing us what we need to do when this system attacks us and that is we have to fight back. We can't rely on politicians; we know whose side they're on. We know how many people Obama deported. We know how he was silent when Black folks were getting killed under his administration. So we gotta understand that these politicians, no matter how many promises they give us or what they say, they will never fight for us, they will never stand up for us.
Only we can do that." The PL’er  noted that a key similarity between protests in Kenosha, Minneapolis, and various other places is multiracial working class solidarity. A unity among workers of different identities, areas and nationalities fighting back against this brutal system.
 Workers not relying on politicians to save them, but each other, and realizing that no amount of voting or praying will stop these attacks; only smashing this capitalist system will free us.
Building our Party to smash the bosses
After these action-inspiring speakers, the Party rallied workers to take the fight directly to cops in the area. Those who were able joined us in a march to the local cop department, chanting loudly, “The workers fight, the workers win!” announcing our united presence.  Throughout the event, PL’ers spoke about why it is necessary for revolution to be the goal of the activism we're seeing now.
We pressed that the ongoing cycle of the liberal reform will never win freedom for our class from this capitalist hell. Only an international communist Party, led by masses of workers and guided by revolutionary politics, can do that.
Our Party pushes to build lasting relationships with workers who are willing to fight. Being involved with mass movements is an important part of that, as is building lasting relationships, and being upfront about PLP, our line, and our desire to have these brave fighters join us in the fight for revolution.