
G7 Summit U.S. scrambles to prepare for world war

26 June 2021 44 hits

Top imperialist gangsters recently gathered at their annual Group of 7 (G7) summit in Cornwall, England in hopes of reasserting the declining U.S.-led liberal world order. The U.S. Big Fascist servant Joe Biden scrambled to slow the rise of arch imperialist rival China.
When the world’s greatest thieves make future plans, workers must remain vigilant. The G7 global gangsters’ planning meeting is a small window into the savage nature of global imperialists. When the U.S. rulers advertise their toxic reunion as an effort to defend “democracy” and “renewed cooperation” to “solving the world’s problems,” they are negotiating war plans. That is the only way exploiters can resolve their imperialist contradictions.
They will use workers to fight and die for the bosses’ profit system. When we organize as a class for ourselves, through the international Progressive Labor Party, we can turn the guns around on this rotten system and smash it once and for all. With that power, we can build a communist society to meet our class needs.
U.S. empire in decline
Against the backdrop of the G7, capitalism is festering in its decay—nauseatingly high Covid-19 deaths; global vaccine apartheid; for-profit wars in Ethiopia, Palestine and Syria; and cyber attacks from Russia. The G7 is a bloc of capitalist countries—the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom—that formed in 1975 to counter the OPEC oil embargo. In its prime, during the late years of the Cold War, the G7 leveraged its members’ economic power against the already capitalist Soviet Union. The group is run by finance capital, the main wing of capitalism worldwide. Today, it’s a shell of its former self.
The G7 reunion, touted as an opportunity to reassert their top dog status, was really a confirmation of a U.S. empire in imminent decline.
Salvaging the house that former president Donald Trump set ablaze—when he blocked the G7’s climate and trade goals, destroyed the Iran Nuclear deal, and alienated U.S longtime allies—is upsetting the U.S. rulers’ imperialist aims.
Grappling with China’s rising clout
The summit illuminated the many contradictions facing the global ruling classes. Biden’s Build Back Better World (B3W) is a pie-in-the-sky plan to counter China’s imperialist influence by providing an alternative to the decade-old Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (see box). This shaky plan for global infrastructure development reveals the U.S.’s desperation to match their rival China for top dog position. However, other imperialists are wary of backing an unreliable declining U.S. empire against a rapidly rising China.
Biden’s G7 trip was intended to put the EU at ease. Yet, the bitter split within the U.S. ruling class—Small Fascist “America First’’ and the Big Fascist liberal imperialist wing—continued to sow doubts. How can the U.S. roll out the B3W when it can’t even pass its own infrastructure bill at home?
The EU bosses, also dealing with internal rifts over Brexit, are distrustful of the U.S. ruler’s return to the world stage. Unswayed by Biden’s Big Fascist liberal credentials, the EU bosses were left questioning whether the U.S. can get their act together, and avoid another Little Fascist takeover in the next four years. The U.S. Big Fascists effectively failed to rally its old, trusted allies against China.
The G7 cosigned the B3W project and glibly denounced China’s human rights abuses, but the EU bosses cannot break off their affair with China: “ [France’s President] Emmanuel Macron said…‘I will be very clear: The G7 is not a club hostile to China…’” (CNN, 6/14).  The ruler’s summit brought their weakness into sharper focus.
Moving closer to World War III
The main takeaway from the G7 forum is that an empire in decline is at its deadliest. From the Civil War to World War II, history has shown a falling power does not go quietly. The forces of history are stacked against the U.S. as it struggles to manage its decline, moving the world closer to a U.S.-China war.
Biden’s National security Advisor Jake Sullivan argued that the strategy is “don’t try to push towards confrontation...but be prepared to try to rally allies...toward...tough competition….in the security domain as it is in the economic and technological domains” (NYT, 6/13).
Following the G7 summit, China increased military aggression against Taiwan (Newsweek, 6/15). Nevertheless, the U.S. ruler’s find themselves wholly unprepared to win a war with China. The U.S. empire’s battle readiness depends on their ability to build the fascist movement they desperately need. Jim Crow Joe Biden’s passing of Juneteenth as an official holiday (see backpage) and his calls against police murder and anti-Asian violence are superficial attempts to win loyalty needed to build a multiracial military willing to fight and die for U.S. imperialism. Trusting the rulers is a march to our certain death. These are the same rulers who disregarded millions of workers’ lives throughout the pandemic and deprived us of life-saving vaccines in the name of profit.
Capitalism’s future is bleak, but not all is doom and gloom for our class. Every crisis reveals our potential power. At the height of the pandemic, we waged war on the rulers’ profitdemic and organized to serve our class.
From striking amazon workers to healthcare workers around the world fighting for safe patient and working conditions—
From Los Angeles to Brooklyn workers fighting landlords and the courts from evictions—
From Haiti to the Bronx workers setting up mutual aid networks to provide for unemployed, disabled, and elderly workers—
From Colombia to Minnesota workers rebelling against the ruler’s fascist police forces—
Our fightback amid the crisis reveals that the working class is the class fit to run society. As the U.S. ruler’s decay accelerates the ruler’s are prepared to sacrifice millions in their next global crises in the march up to World War III, the Progressive Labor Party calls on the international working class to turn the ruler’s impending world war into a class war to overthrow their crisis-ridden system. The future belongs to us, and only communism can guarantee it. Join the PLP. Fight for communism.