
MAY DAY IS COMING! Celebrate the international working class

02 April 2022 151 hits

Voices from May Day

On May Day, we smash borders
Comrades, workers all over the world are all experiencing similar difficulties. But, in Haiti as elsewhere, Progressive Labor Party (PLP) must continue to organize workers, students and soldiers with a view to building a true international mass Party, capable of leading the class-struggle that will destroy capitalism and put an end to all its inequalities. We will build a society that serves the interests of the working class.  – A communist worker in Haiti (2021)
We organize and lead the struggle to defend our class brothers and sisters, to try to build up our ranks with our literature and win workers to our revolutionary message. We fight to make our presence known in political, worker and student meetings. Dark night will have its end, with a new and glorious communist dawn.  – a communist in Colombia (2019)
On May Day, generations of communists march towards the future
The victory of communism means working collectively to build a worker-run society; smashing the oppression of women, sexism; abolishing racism and the concepts of “race” and gender.” The victory of communism means no more police murders that rob us of Breonna Taylors, George Floyds, Adam Toledos, or Ma’Khia Bryant. That is our victory. Today's victory is joining the class struggle against capitalism, fighting for the international working class and joining the Progressive Labor Party. (2021)
I am a high school student and I stand in solidarity with the international working class to eradicate this capitalist system, and eventually, fight for worldwide communism. Capitalism is a system that gets working class people killed. We are killed from hunger. We are killed by homelessness. We are killed by bombs, drones, and bullets. We are killed by overdose or suicide. I have been forced to grow up in a system that was not created for me. Millions of my peers are the future and it is our responsibility to fight for a communist world now because our future is on the line. (2019)
Red Greetings! I participated in my first May Day 73 years ago. Our Party, having overcome any and all conditions in organizing for our international working-class holiday, I find that today’s march contains probably the biggest hurdle we’ve yet encountered in battling the virus of capitalism. It’s great to realize that our Progressive Labor Party has won so many young people to fight for communism. Truly, you are the future. On May Day, I celebrated my 90th birthday yesterday and our celebration is the happiest present I could receive! HAPPY MAY DAY, comrades, and continue building our multiracial revolutionary communist Party. (2020)
On May Day, we celebrate class struggle
May Day is the celebration of class. Today, we bridge our demands together to fight for communism, a world where exploitation of workers by bosses is banned and racism and sexism is outlawed. The coronavirus is an opportunity for bosses to increase their power but also for workers to fight back and build a world worthy of us.
With our responses to the Covid-19 pandemic, communists and friends of the Party are already showing how a communist world where we rely on each other instead of bosses could be possible. Haiti. Mexico. Colombia. Chicago. Los Angeles. East Africa. All over the world, we are finding innovative ways to safeguard the health and fighting spirit of our class.(2020)

On May Day we strive to become communists
To be a communist means to step up in defense of the working class, now in crisis, and forever in struggle. The opportunities to serve our class will continue even after Covid-19. It is only by the international working class uniting to fight back against this racist, sexist system. (2020)
PLP gave me a whole new perspective for understanding the world, and the way capitalism is constantly contorting, shape-shifting and creating new ways to distort our reality and create unnatural divisions amongst workers. Best of all, the most exciting part of being a communist is the way it makes me feel more alive as opposed to just living or existing. Looking back, I always felt like communism was natural to me. (2019)
 I decided to commit to communism and join the Progressive Labor Party because it was the right thing to do—the progressive thing to do for my family, friends, community, and the earth. These are loose stats, but it feels as though one out of two people I talk to are workers who are tired of working, exhausted by capitalism, not having insurance, and drinking Robitussin and other homemade remedies for their colds and ailments because they can’t afford to go pay for prescribed medicine. I’m done with being super-exploited as a Black, queer woman and disgusted with U.S. imperialism and the effects that war and greed has on the Earth’s land and atmosphere…
I joined because I’m fed up with reformism and respectability politics and shaming the poor, working class on whether they vote or not. I’m tired of police brutality and innocent people dying in prisons… The Progressive Labor Party is passionate and direct about what our struggles are and what we need to do to win and defeat capitalism. (2019)
