
Mexico: Confidence in the working class

28 May 2022 46 hits

MEXICO, May 1—On May Day we marched as a contingent of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) in Mexico City and Oaxaca. Like every May Day, we organized our members and friends to join the march of the unions and social organizations that are fighting for reforms of capitalism that will improve the lives of workers. These organizations have thousands of workers and students who oppose the liberal bosses represented by the Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) government and are trying to build a more militant reform movement.
We distributed around 2,000 flyers with our communist line and invited all the workers to organize with us and join PLP. Our flier talked about imperialist war and the countries that lead it like Russia, the United States and China for the benefit of their ruling class. The flier attacked the impact of bosses’ war on the workers of the whole world. We called for turning the imperialist war into communist revolution. Likewise, we denounced the mega projects like the Mayan Train and Interoceanic Corridor. These two projects are displacing many thousands of workers and will only benefit the capitalist class in Mexico. Our call was to build a communist society that stands up to the bosses and build a Party that organizes to seize power for the benefit of the working class.
Our contingent chanted and was well received by people in the march and in the crowd watching. Our leaflets and got PLP’s message of confidence in the working class and the fight for communism out to the thousands of people at the march.
Our flier started with the following paragraph:
“A Revolutionary Communist May Day: Turn Imperialist War into Communist Revolution
The conflict in Ukraine seems to be a step without return to the development of a Third World War led by the imperialists of the U.S., China and Russia, to dominate the world for the benefit of their ruling capitalist classes. All imperialists are enemies of all workers, we must not support any imperialist side, our loyalty is only with the working class of the world.”