
Challenge Readers in Conversation

09 September 2022 59 hits

Joining Progressive Labor Party (PLP) is voluntary. There aren’t applications, tests, interviews or mandatory dues, all of which the capitalists use to intimidate and control the working class and its allies. Workers’ experience leads  the way to understand how capitalism works and destroys our class. We come to believe in communism, place our confidence completely in the working class and in PLP and learn how members and friends can contribute to the class struggle. In this process it’s important to listen to workers' experiences, questions and doubts and conduct sharp, but comradely struggles. After reading the article in CHALLENGE  titled, “Capitalism kills, workers have no nations,” we began the following conversation:

Our conversation with Questions (Q) and Responses (R)

Q: Do you agree with the title of the article?  

R: Yes, workers don’t need nations and borders. The capitalists use these things to get cheap labor and to control the working class.  

Q: Why can’t we trust the Democratic Party politicians?

R: The politicians are the same with their false promises and useless reforms. I’m so angry about their abuse at the border, the separation of children from their families. These children are damaged and the press doesn’t explain how bad it is.             

R: [Joe] Biden said it was the smugglers fault that so many people died in the back of that truck. Yes, the smugglers knew what they were doing.
R: Yes, but the capitalists blame anyone but themselves. Murder by small capitalists like the smugglers is connected to the goals of big capitalists and can’t compare to genocidal profit wars between imperialists, the U.S., China and Russia, that slaughter millions of workers and their families every year.

Q: Why do so many immigrants risk everything to cross the U.S./Mexico border?

R: I agree with the article. We are forced to flee our homes, because of poverty, homelessness, no jobs, racist repression and terror, war. Yes, but we make a choice to migrate for money, good jobs and a better life. If I had known what I know now about living in the U.S., I would have stayed in my “country.” We shouldn’t blame ourselves for migrating. We come not by choice but from necessity.

R: The capitalists’ plan is to spread the illusion that if we migrate we will get ahead. Not true. What the capitalists want is to fill jobs with cheap labor. They are selective. When they need technology experts, doctors, researchers, etc. or people from countries they want to control, like Venezuelans, they put out the welcome mat. Without class conscious fightback, the international working class are slaves to the bosses’ wishes.       

R: We need a mass PLP worldwide to completely destroy capitalism.

Q: When the working class wins power, we will destroy borders and nations. We will be one united working class. Under communism workers will be able to move anywhere in the world. For what reasons will we move?

R: It won’t be necessary, because the working class will be building communism where all workers will share what we need and contribute according to commitment, with struggle, of course. For international solidarity, for example, for healthcare or to support revolutionary struggle. To know other places in the world

R: After a communist revolution, PLP and the international working class will be left with a world the imperialists have destroyed by racism, war, and climate disaster. It will be necessary for the Party and the working class to relocate for survival and to meet the necessities of our class.

Q: [Vladimir] Lenin called imperialism the highest stage of capitalism. Why?

R: I agree with the article. When capitalists accumulate so much wealth they move to expand their power beyond their borders. Then the giant imperialists, now the U.S., China and Russia fight each other, over our dead bodies, to eliminate the competition.

R: The problem is that socialism didn’t lead to communism. There’s a lot of confusion and anti-communism.

Q: Why did that happen? All comments, questions and doubts are welcome.

R: Too much external and internal pressure.  Half socialism and half communism didn’t work. The socialist economic and political system has collapsed. I don’t know.

OK. This is an important question. Let’s continue it at our next study group. Now, let’s eat!