
Smash U.S. Gestapo—workers have no borders

24 September 2022 48 hits

Texas, September 21—Governor Greg Abbott launched Operation Lonestar, a belligerent, racist campaign to criminalize workers desperate to escape the horrors of U.S. imperialism. In a clear demonstration of the bitter rivalry between the Small Fascist conservatives and the Big Fascist liberals, the Abbott administration transported migrant workers, arriving on the Texas border, to democrat run states along the Northeast. This is life under capitalism.

A few months into the offensive more than 11,000 migrant workers from Latin America and Africa have been bussed in working class neighborhoods (U.S.A Today, 9/2) with thousands being dumped in New York City shelters with no money, clothing, and given few resources to ensure their survival (The City, 9/16).

In response to this abhorrent racist attack on our class,  PLP members involved in college campuses and community organizations that fight for housing have been circulating literature to students and workers facing racist displacement and homelessness. Below is an excerpt of the flyer:

Around the world, close to 100 million workers have been displaced. Whether from starvation, unemployment, environmental catastrophes, soaring rents, or real estate speculation, the capitalist system sacrifices workers daily for profits.

Right now, we’re seeing the global capitalist crisis in full swing as thousands of new migrants arrive from Texas to NYC. Migrant workers are fleeing imperialist violence only to find themselves in New York City, the world’s wealthiest, so-called sanctuary city. NYC is also one of the most unequal, segregated racist cities in the world. They will join their Black (52 percent), Latin (22 percent), and white (48 percent) working-class siblings who make up the bulk of the City’s shelter system (Daily News, 1/22/20).

To make matters worse, members of our class are used as pawns in a battle between an increasingly divided U.S. ruling class. On the one hand is Texas Governor Abbott, who represents the Trumpian Small Fascist faction and domestic fossil fuel bosses like Charles and David Koch. This wing is cruelly using immigrant families in the fight with the liberal Big Fascist imperialist wing (see Glossary, page 6) fronted by Biden. Biden represents the main financial, corporate, and big real estate wing of the capitalist rulers.

We demand housing for ALL! Mayor Adams says there’s no money: A LIE! These bosses are only here to serve profit, not working people. For decades New York State has given developers billions of dollars in tax breaks to build luxury housing. But, communism will mean we workers will organize ourselves to be housed and cared for. 

As communists, we build confidence in our class’s ability to lead. The reform demands in this housing struggle are for politicians to stop giving our tax money to developers,  build 100 percent low-income housing, open all vacant buildings and apartments, and stop evictions. Being involved in this fight helps build up masses of workers to see the need to run the world. As long as for-profit housing exists, workers will never have access to safe, decent  housing. This is why we must fight for communism!

Black, Latin, Asian, white, all workers must UNITE!
Both Democrats and Republicans cynically use immigrants to build their bases for the upcoming elections. While Small Fascist Abbott busses migrants to sanctuary haven NYC to rile up his racist base, Biden helped Obama deport more migrants than any president in history at the time. Meanwhile, top Black KKKop, Big Fascist Eric Adams smiles to welcome migrant workers, and then stuffs them into already overcrowded shelters, thus pitting homeless workers against migrant workers as he helps real estate developers and landlords jack up rents and displace more workers.

The Big Fascist liberals like Adams and Biden do not care about migrant, Black, Asian, white, Latin, or any workers. As China and the U.S. inch closer toward World War III, the Big Fascists will sacrifice more workers to their economy, whether it be in the form of mass incarceration or more homelessness. Biden, openly preparing for war with China, sees immigrants as cannon fodder for his imperialist ventures. The working class must not allow the fascists, Big and Small, to divide us. Our strongest weapon is our unity, and we will need to come together in solidarity to resist these fascists.

Capitalists and all its agents are the enemies of the working class. Capitalism doesn’t deserve to exist. Be it through climate or economic disaster, nuclear war, or pandemics, capitalism is destroying the world. We need international, working-class unity to fight for communism, a system in which the welfare and prosperity of the working class are above all else because we will abolish the profit motive. Join PLP! Join the fight against displacement!