
Justice for Raymond: How Do You Spell Racist? NYPD

24 September 2022 84 hits

The Bronx, NY, September 10 –-Today Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members and friends joined with family and friends of Raymond Chaluisant to rally for justice for Raymond who was murdered by racist KKKop Dion Middleton (See CHALLENGE, 8/24). At the rally, youth led chants demanding justice including "How do you spell racist? NYPD," "If we don't get it (justice) shut it down"  and "white cop, Black cop all the same; racist terror is the name of their game." A sound system was used so neighbors could hear the speeches and chants. A picket line with signs caught people’s attention. Participants reached out to let people passing by know about the racist murder and the need for all students and workers to join the fight against racism and the capitalist system. Neighborhood folks welcomed our flyers and our paper, CHALLENGE. In fact, we ran out of both, distributing 200 copies.

On July 21, off-duty kkkop Dion Middleton robbed the working class of 18-years-young Latin teen Raymond Chaluisant by shooting him in the face for playing with a toy water gun. The murderer then fled the scene, leaving Raymond dead in a pool of his blood. The murder of Raymond was no accident. NYPD and all police departments teach cops to view Black, Latin and immigrant youth and workers as criminals who can be killed with impunity.

This whole capitalist system depends on and builds racism to keep workers divided and makes even more profits by paying non-white workers even less for their labor while keeping decent housing and other necessities out of their reach. Racist terror by cops is an important tool of the system; it is critical to quelling antiracist fightback.

Even after being indicted for second degree murder, first degree manslaughter and second degree manslaughter, Middleton was granted bail and a chance to walk free while many youth are locked away for years at Rikers Island jail wthout even a trial. Even if Middleton is convicted and sent to prison, justice will never exist under this racist system.

The real role of politicians and government is to con or terrorize the working class into "obeying the rules" of capitalism --  "rules"  made for and by the handful of the super-rich who live off the blood, sweat and tears of the working class.

That is why PLP fights for communism, a system run by and for the whole working class, where racism and sexism will be outlawed. All the world's children will be brought up as working class brothers, sisters and children. This will not happen tomorrow. But we can fight and win a communist future where it is a reality.


Progressive Labor Party (PLP): Read CHALLENGE-DESAFIO@PLP Newspaper