
Challenge February 16, 2000

16 February 2000 297 hits
    1. Capitalism, Crisis and War
    2. Reform or Revolution?
  9. The Masses Love An Anti-KKK Fighter
  11. "They Shall Not Pass...."
    5. Y2K RX = NG


The trial of the four cops who murdered Amadou Diallo last year has put racist police terror on the front pages once again. In a display of racism that matches the murder, the trial was moved to Albany, because the cops couldn't get a "fair trial" in the Bronx, the scene of the racist crime. The bosses moved the trial to get it out of the way with minimum disruption. The cops may get off with a slap on the wrist, or they may be sentenced to hard time, like the torturer of Abner Luima. They certainly won't get the death penalty they deserve.

We must prepare now to lead strikes, walkouts and rebellions, all aimed at the centers of state power if they are let off the hook. Every PLP club must make a plan to give mass leadership to these actions.

The Diallo case proves again that the profit system relies on racist police violence for its very survival. The police serve as the first line of defense in the class war between bosses and workers. Their job is to keep the rulers in power, protect private property and maintain the system. This can only be done at gun-point. In a very real sense, the cops who executed Diallo were "just doing their job."

Some try to make Giuliani appear as the designer of cop terror. He got elected NYC Mayor in 1993 by appealing to racism. He brags about having reduced street crime. But fascist cop terror was unleashed long before Giuliani's arrival at City Hall. And it was conceived, launched and funded by liberals.

One of the chief architects was a Rutgers professor,George Kelling, who is also affiliated with Harvard. He concocted a "community policing" scheme to organize worker support for the cops, and has been funded and promoted by the U.S. Justice Department, the National Institute of Justice, and Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. In 1993 Giuliani hired Kelling as advisor on police matters, and an aide to liberal Police Commissioner Bratton. Arrests went through the roof. Complaints about police brutality soared by 40 percent between 1993 and 1996.This was the general climate in which the four NYPD cops shot Amadou Diallo. They were part of an élite "Street Crimes Unit," which boasted: "We own the night."

Despite apparent tactical differences, the rulers are mainly united in the Kelling approach. Former FBI informer Al Sharpton has gone on record as a supporter of "community policing." Sharpton's key role is to divert worker militancy into an electoral, reformist dead-end. He and his sidekick, the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, have taken credit for keeping things cool in NYC during the recent spate of racist murders by the NYPD (interview on Fox's show "Good Morning New York," 1/31). The bosses are happy to see Sharpton-Daughtry take a few buses for orderly protests in Albany. The last thing they or Sharpton, Daughtry & Co. want is a wave of militant strikes and rebellions that could make masses of workers more open to revolutionary communist politics, and a mass May Day march.

Workers must not fall for the lie that the capitalist police can be reformed or improved through the recruitment of more black and Latin Klansmen in blue. There are no good cops and no good bosses. The Rockefeller-led ruling class, its government, courts, politicians, media, paid ideologues like Kelling, and, most importantly, its Sharpton/Daughtry-style agents within the working class--all have Amadou Diallo's blood on their hands. Racist cop terror in the service of capitalist dictatorship and profit will end only when an armed and communist-led working class seizes state power. Every worker and youth outraged by the murder of Amadou Diallo and racist police terror should march with PLP on May Day. Mass May Day marches full of communist-led anti-racist fighters will bring us closer to communist revolution, and working class justice.


As early as 1982, Kelling called for the police to "reclaim" urban areas by taking severe action against the pettiest "crimes." His article, "Broken Windows," in the Atlantic Monthly magazine identified black teenagers and homeless workers as the "principal threats to public order." Kelling published a book, Fixing Broken Windows, which says that the end of the "rights-oriented legal tradition" (i.e. fascism) was a fair price to pay for public order. "Community Policing" has been adopted by liberal politicians across the country. After his re-election, Clinton sponsored a phony "gun control" law designed to give most of its $16 billion to local governments to hire 100,000 more cops.

After Diallo's murder, the Wall Street Journal (3/23/99) and New York Daily News (3/26/99) gave Kelling a forum to justify police brutality. Tsk, tsk, he wrote, Diallo's death was a "tragedy," but it was understandable. After all, the cops, who thought someone was shooting at them, had a right to respond. Anyhow, continued Kelling, such "tragedies" are a necessary price to pay for a "successful policy of policing." The main danger, he warned, was that criticism of the NYPD could "hurt the war on crime."


JERSEY CITY, NJ, February 8 -- About 500 workers and youth crammed into Bethesda Baptist Church today, angered about the brutal death of 15-year-old Michael Anglin at the hands of a Jersey City cop. PLP was there to distribute leaflets, sell CHALLENGE and support our fellow workers and youth.

On January 28, police chased a stolen van filled with teenagers and young men. When the van finally stopped around 11:30 p.m. at Bayview and Arlington Avenues, it crashed into another police car that had just pulled up. Vincent Corso and his partner cop began to arrest a couple of the youths. The cops said that Michael struggled with Corso when Corso's gun "accidentally" went off, shooting Michael in the head.

At first, the cops said that in the scuffle Michael tried taking the gun away from Corso. But then community eyewitnesses said the cop shot the youth from a distance, exposing the police department's tale. The cops even tried lying to Michael's mother, RoseLee, by saying that her son was "killed in a car accident," an obvious attempt at a cover-up. To add salt to a fresh wound, the cops wouldn't let the family see Michael's body for a long time.

At the church rally several reformist leaders and clergy members spoke about the injustice of this killing. The Rev. Herbert Daughtry as well as others spoke about the need for more black and Latin police officers and that an "independent agency" needs to investigate the police department. These mis-leaders want us to believe that the police department can be reformed to serve the working class when the job of the cops is to serve and protect the racist system: capitalism.

As fascism develops, PLP will continue to raise the specter of communism through winning workers to demonstrate against the racist killing of members of our class. The rulers need to terrorize workers and youth to keep them in line and not rebel against the increasingly oppressive system which only guarantees prison, unemployment and terror. We need to win workers to fighting for communism now as the only answer to the racist murders of our brothers and sisters.


MEXICO CITY, Feb 7--Thousands of police and military took over the 40 schools of the UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico) system where students have been on strike for nine months. More than 1,000 people were arrested. At this writing, 500 have been released, but over 400, including strike leaders, are still under arrest facing serious charges. There are warrants out for more.

After the police action, thousands of students, parents, and workers took to the streets to demand freedom for all those who have been arrested.

Throughout the strike, the rulers responded to the demand for free universal education with brute force and mass arrests. These fascist attacks show that capitalism is a rotting system incapable of giving workers children the chance for a higher education. The "support" for the bosses built inside and outside the university to justify the rulers' barbaric act shows the increasing development of fascism. This fascism is no accident. During its crisis, capitalism must try to repress the anger of millions. But this growing fascism has not immobilized these courageous students.

The entire ruling class--the bankers and businessmen, President Zedillo, Labastida (presidential candidate for the ruling PRI party), the university bureaucracy, the opposition PAN and PRD parties, the Catholic Church hierarchy and the mass media--launched furious attacks, urging outright repression to break the strike. Fascist goons ("porros"), paramilitaries, thugs and military police were never as effective as the "demo-fascists," pro-democracy in word and fascist in deed. These apologists for capitalism fanatically built support in a thousand ways among the population to justify this repression. Carlos Fuentes, and other famous liberal intellectuals and writers like Monsivais, Poniatowska and Portilla met with the government politicians in their crusade to end the strike. These fascist wolves in sheep's clothing were exposed.

For nine months, the university bosses and the government kidnapped and raped students, burned and pillaged the school buildings and launched daily attacks by goons and fascist gangs. But it's the jailed students who now face serious charges of plunder, robbery, sedition, terrorism and riot. This is capitalist justice. This is the state of "law" which maintains this capitalist system. It's corrupt and anti-working class to its very core. The university was supposedly "autonomous"--until the students fought to change it. Then the fascist rulers broke their own rules and took it by force.

During these nine months on strike, thousands of students have lived through fascism. From their own experiences, they've felt that this system has to be destroyed. Butt they lack the understanding that communism is the solution. Scientific and free pro-working-class education for all can never be achieved under capitalism. We need a communist society, where the working class holds power. Capitalism, whether in its neoliberal form or its public, state-capitalist form, is the mortal enemy of workers and students.

This repression will not end the student movement in Mexico. Other universities have opened their doors to the strikers to continue the struggle. UNAM will continue to be occupied by troops for weeks or months; the bosses fear the students will re-take it. But the mobilizations won't stop.

However, the student movement must overcome its illusion that democracy and nationalism will solve its problems. Both are mortal traps. They only strengthen the very rulers who are attacking us. One sector of Mexican bosses wants to build nationalism in its war against the imperialists for markets. They want to turn the anger of the students at the UNAM changes to build support for themselves. Students must reject this deadly nationalism and follow the road of fighting for communism. They need to accept the leadership of the working class to be able, in the long run, to destroy those who repress and jail us today, along with smashing their state power. Every student and parent who joins PLP will bring this day closer.

One faculty advisor to the strikers has argued that, "The conservative sector [the government] speaks of academic quality as their banner, but there are various definitions of academic quality. They postulate it as a university with a small number of students, very well selected, which means from the upper classes. They want to educate 10 to 15% of the workforce and make the rest technicians. The debate is closely related to Mexico's role in the world economy." (LA Times, 2/6/00)

Currently, 14% of Mexicans from 20 to 24 receive higher education, which is far below the average of 45% to 50% in developed countries. But whether Mexican bosses do the bidding of U.S. capitalism or keep more of the profits for themselves, it will not change the lives of students and workers in Mexico. All the bosses--Mexican, U.S., or European--are the enemies of all workers.

The strike was called when UNAM authorities moved to impose tuition beyond the reach of working-class families; an entrance exam, which would keep even more working-class students out of the university; and exercise more direct control over the curriculum.

Capitalist education exists to prepare each new generation for the roles needed by the bosses, whether it's the national bosses or the imperialists. It's based on lies --in all countries. Youth need the kind of education to prepare us to fight for a future without fascist exploitation. That kind is not taught by the bosses. The conflict between the needs of the rulers and those of the working class will lead many to join in the fight for communist revolution, when they are given the choice.


OAKLAND, Feb. 8 -- Oakland's bosses have unleashed a war of terrorism against black workers here. Their target has been any young black man who has had contact with the criminal INjustice system. By appearing to "fight crime" and provide "safe streets," Mayor Jerry Brown and the police are attempting to win Oakland workers to their fascist program.

In the latest attack, on January 28, the Joint Fugitive Apprehension Strike Task Force, made up of Oakland police, state parole agents and U.S. Marshals, invaded an apartment on 87th Avenue in East Oakland. According to a witness, a black man, Charles Hill, 26, was chased into a closet, shot 18 times and died. Since Brown appointed his new police chief; Richard Word, last July, police sweeps have been instituted in areas of high drug activity in communities which are mostly black and Latin.

What's behind Brown's war of racist terrorism? Profits and social control of the working class. Brown has stated that there are billions to be made in Oakland, which can be turned into the "Silicon Valley" of the East Bay. The gentrification of San Francisco's South-of-Market and Western Addition areas serve as a blueprint for Oakland's corporate bosses. Their plan is to push thousands of black and Latin workers out of the city.

Inspired by Clinton's financing 100,000 new cops into communities nation-wide, Brown is providing a massive police presence. Brown's capitalist bosses plan to lure the white middle class back to Oakland with new housing, condos, lofts and businesses. This means skyrocketing housing prices and rents--and big PROFITS.

Oakland workers have had a proud history of militant fight-back against the ruling class, from general strikes to the Black Panthers' struggle against police oppression.

PLP members are active in PUEBLO (People United for a Better Oakland), an Oakland community group active in Police-Community Relations. PUEBLO's reform leadership receives funding from the ruling class. But there are many rank-and-file members open to PLP's ideas. We have distributed CHALLENGE widely. Several PUEBLO members have attended PLP forums. We are planning a study group with PUEBLO members on Lenin's "State and Revolution."

Continually, PUEBLO's reformist leadership tries to divert all efforts into working within Oakland's CPRB (Civilian Police Review Board). Studying Lenin's work will help greatly to clarify the role of the cops and the State as servants of the racist bosses.

We are at the beginning of a long, hard struggle in the building of class and communist consciousness. We have made a few small steps forward.


LOS ANGELES, Feb. 7 -- This past weekend the California Three Strikes Project met to organize its campaign against the Three Strikes Law. The Project wants to amend the law to include only violent offenses. The California law, passed as Proposition 184 in 1995, provides mandatory 25-years-to-life sentences for three felony convictions, even if they are non-violent. The third one can be for anything--like stealing a loaf of bread.

Project speakers explained that this law was designed especially to sentence non-violent felons to life in prison. (California has built 21 new prisons just to house the victims of this law.) Many pointed out the racist nature of this law and the whole prison system. (Seventy percent of the state's prisoners are black or Latin.) They also said out that under California law "three strikes" can arise from one incident.

We distributed about 40 CHALLENGES. One of us said California has more people in prison than most countries, and that the U.S. has two million people in prison, more than any other nation in the world. We suggested that besides churches, we should go to unions and college student groups with the Project's petition to change the vile Three Strikes Law. "Three strikes" and the expanding prison labor it produces are attacks on the whole working class.

Many people asked for our upcoming pamphlet on prison labor to get these facts in writing. A PL'er said, "I'm a high school teacher and the Three Strikes Law has robbed the lives of many of my ex-students. We have to continually push the limits by fighting against these attacks. Now they're pushing Proposition 21 which would extend the attack to our youth, treating 13- and 14-years-olds as adults in court. We're committed to our youth. We can't let the system win--we must win."

Then a man came up to say, "I liked what you said a lot. Keep up the good work." We gave him the last copy of the prison labor pamphlet draft we had and exchanged phone numbers. This should be the start of a good friendship.

A few days later we participated in a workshop called "Prison 2000: Slavery in the 20th Century and the Prison Industrial Complex." This was one of eight workshops organized at a conference called "Strategies for the Development of African-American Men and Boys" organized at Southwest College. The workshop leader was the same person who had led the meeting to change the Three Strikes Law. Here we distributed all 60 CHALLENGES we had--and more people wanted them.

After the presentations, one of us read a quote from the upcoming PLP prison labor pamphlet about the extent of prison labor in the U.S. and asked what people thought. One person said, "Yes, it's all true. And the worst is that the same companies that employ prison labor have laid off high-paid workers." "Yes", said one of the workshop leaders, "all of this is directly related to making more and more profit. All of this is about the new modern slavery and we have to use all our efforts to fight it."

When the workshop ended, one of us announced having made 20 copies of the draft of the pamphlet in question. They went like hot cakes. We made a sign-up sheet for those who didn't get a copy but wanted one when it was formally printed. Ten more people gave their name, address and phone number to get one. We also invited all those present to a PLP forum about Proposition 21 and the fight against fascism.

The fact is, amending or even repealing the Three Strikes Law might slow down the increase in racist imprisonment and slave labor but it will never end it. The prison system based on profits and racism, twin evils of capitalism. It's capitalism that must be "repealed"--destroyed, to be replaced by a sharing, profit-free system, communism.

We invited all those at the workshop to a PLP forum about Proposition 21 and the fight against fascism.


By law, juries are not told about a defendant's previous convictions, so they may think they're sentencing someone to a year or two for some minor, non-violent offense like stealing a bicycle. Then it turns out to be a third offense--unknown to the jury--and the judge is mandated by law to put the offender in prison for 25 years to life!


LOS ANGELES -- Last summer some LA high school and college students went to Seattle for the PLP summer project. In one of the study groups a young comrade spoke about the youth center in NY. She described their tutoring programs to help students with their tests and homework, and fun activities like pool and foosball, as well as a CD player, to entertain young people. This inspired the LA comrades to build a similar youth center here. It's located between the two high schools where we have the most student friends.

We are helping youth with tutoring. In LA, high school students must pass several competency tests to graduate. Two, in English (Sr. Write) and Math (Topics), are difficult to pass. Sometimes this denies a diploma to students who have completed all their graduation requirements because they cannot pass these tests. This discourages them; they drop out of school, making it harder to get a job. Therefore, we have decided to offer tutoring specifically focused on helping students pass these two tests. One student said he likes the math tutoring because he feels it will help him succeed in school. He especially likes the one-on-one tutoring, where a tutor is right there to help him when he gets stuck. Some of our tutors are LA district high school teachers. Students often help each other in different areas.

The youth center is also politically oriented. We have a study group every other Thursday. We've begun by studying political economy. We learned how capitalism started with primitive accumulation. One young person said she understands that we're studying real history, that isn't taught in school. She's learning about the nature of exploitation, how the bosses don't pay what a worker's labor is really worth. She sees how her parents struggle to put food on the table, and this helps her understand what capitalism really is.

Another student said people who don't know about communism have a blindfold over their eyes. This youth center offers people a chance to take that blindfold off. Students here feel comfortable to say what they believe, ask questions and explore ideas without feeling repressed.

We plan to expand our youth center to include dozens of young people in the coming months. Last November we planted a seed. Each day we water that seed and watch it grow. That seed is part of the flower of communist revolution.


WASHINGTON, DC, Jan 29 -- The Washington D.C. public school employees have not had a raise for 13 years nor a contract since 1996. They gave up 12% in raises to show what team players they were and to help prevent other D.C. government workers from losing their jobs. The other employees eventually lost their jobs. Obviously this was a big mistake because they believed the lies the D.C. government told them. Now they are out more money including a $1,700 bonus that was given to other D.C. government workers represented by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE).

Janitors, engineers, maintenance and cafeteria workers are the lowest-paid workers in the school system. Nearly 18 months ago they voted to strike and as a result of that pressure they received $6,000 in back wages for overtime. On January 16, the workers voted 470 to 4 to strike again. D.C. school superintendent Ackerman got a temporary restraining order (TRO) for 10 days which was supposed to expire January 31. At the status hearing January 20 Judge Zeldon claimed not to even know about the hearing that day! The judge set another hearing for February 15 a week after negotiations will have begun.

The attorney representing Teamsters Local 639 actually agreed to the TRO extension for another 10 days instead of stating, "We don't want a TRO, we want to be paid!" Judge Zeldon told him she would extend it for as long as she wanted. So the TRO is extended until February 15.

The Teamsters Locals 639 and 730 encompass many bargaining units. The union president calls all the shots. In talking to the workers, a PLP'er raised the idea that the members could force the president to take certain actions. The president calls meetings when he has something to tell them.

Workers are angry and upset, but it is unclear what they will do. They realize that, because of the weather, the time to strike is now. If the boilers break or the weather ices up, it will help pressure the school superintendent to give the workers the raises they're entitled to.

The Party has made some contacts. We also know a few school workers. We will be trying to meet with these workers to plan strategy for the next union meeting. One possibility is to break the permanent injunction which is sure to be put into place. Since they have had some exposure to the Party's ideas, we will keep struggling with them to be more active.

Superintendent Ackerman is not playing. Knowing that the teachers would probably honor the picket lines and that she couldn't get enough contract engineers to cross the picket line, D.C. government went to court. Ackerman will plead that a permanent injunction is necessary to protect the children. She does not really care about the children in D.C. public schools. If she did, she would not have laid off hundreds of maintenance workers last year. At Wilson High School 12 janitors were reduced to two. At the Kramer Annex in Southeast, staff was cut in half. Deal Junior High has only one janitor. A teacher reported that classrooms, restrooms and hallways are filthy because of lack of staff to clean them. It is becoming more of a prison environment every day.

We will have a public sale of CHALLENGE at the next union meeting. One worker has been getting the newspaper regularly and has been involved in discussions about capitalism, communism, the need for revolution and the importance of marching on May Day. We have not yet won her to agree to come to May Day. We have struggled with another worker extensively over these ideas. He has come to some events and participates in the lively discussions.

The other strategy is to win these workers closer to the Party, to get them to see that playing by the bosses' rules will get them nowhere. Public CHALLENGE sales at the union meeting will help spread the ideas and generate more contacts.

We also need to struggle with our friends who are teachers in the D.C. public school system to support the strike, read CHALLENGE and march on May Day. The ultimate goal is to make a revolution and destroy this capitalist system which is creating the substandard schools, a bosses' education and horrible working conditions.


SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 1 -- Hot on the heels of the battle in Seattle comes the Open World Conference. Meeting here Feb. 11-14, some 200 union delegates from other countries, including China, will join possibly an equal number from the U.S.

The unions have mobilized thousands of workers recently, especially around issues of foreign trade. "We are in a death struggle against NAFTA...and against the corporate `free trade' agenda," says Jack Henning, Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus of the California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO. At the same time these union bosses have remained silent about imperialist wars, like the bombing of Yugoslavia.

Capitalism, Crisis and War

We are in a death struggle all right. But NAFTA and "corporate free trade" are symptoms, not causes. The capitalist crisis of overproduction has cut the union movement to pieces worldwide. In the U.S., the passage of Workfare, the racist imprisonment nearly of 2% of the workforce, and the increasing use of prison labor has hurt the working class at least as much as "corporate free trade."

China's ex-leader boasted, "To get rich is glorious!" Capitalism, not communism, has brought death and starvation to hundreds of millions. These trade unions function within the rules laid down by the bosses. They accept capitalist-created political borders ("nations") and capitalist wage slavery. They can't protect workers here or there. Only communist revolution can do that. That's the vital message PLP is bringing to this Conference.

Capitalist overproduction and falling rates of profit have created three big protectionist trade blocs: Japan, NAFTA and the European Union. They have raised the specter of nationalism and are now preparing for wars and more wars. Unions alone cannot and will not handle the forces unleashed by this crisis. Conference organizers recognize this and want to build a "Labor Party" to tame the atrocities of capitalism. But capitalism cannot be tamed. It must be destroyed and replaced with workers' power.

Reform or Revolution?

At the moment, workers remain unconvinced. They are being challenged, though, to make up their minds. For PLP members, this Conference provides us with an opportunity to advance the crying need for a revolutionary May Day. Imagine Boeing workers (facing some 53,000 layoffs) rubbing shoulders with Korean workers who have organized general strikes....Trade unionists fighting prison labor in China meeting trade unionists who are fighting prison labor here....Garment workers from Saipan meeting garment workers from LA!

Imagine all this and it is not hard to see the revolutionary slogan, "Workers of the World, Unite! Fight for Communism!" come alive. This Conference can help build PLP-led May Day marches here and influence the political demands in May Days around the world.

March on May Day, Saturday, April 29, in San Francisco. Contact PLP: 1-800-330-9953.

The Masses Love An Anti-KKK Fighter

(On October 23, three anti-fascist workers organized by the Progressive Labor Party, and cheered on by 8,000 supporters, invaded a NYC Klan rally and smacked two of these Klan scum, cutting short their police-protected racist filth. (See CHALLENGE, Nov. 4, 1999.) The following are just a few stories about what happened to one of the three Klan Klobberers, in the weeks and months after that action.)

I had been a teacher at one high school for 14 years and had been transferred to another school a week before the incident.

Afterwards hundreds of students from both schools showed their sympathies and appreciation. They demanded my autograph (often on photos from the newspapers). Wherever I went in both schools, students would shake or pound my hand. Students on the street would run over to greet me. I was physically lifted and carried in my old school by the security officers who shouted my name while hundreds of students gathered around and cheered. I was told I was a "legend."

At the teachers union Delegate Assembly and at smaller union meetings, teachers constantly congratulated me. I always had copies of articles from CHALLENGE and from the bosses' press to give them. Classes became period-long discussions about the Klan and violence. Many saw violence against the Klan as a good thing.

A couple of teachers who edit newsletters in their local areas asked me to write an article about fighting the Klan. They printed it. In my new school, people asked me to run for chapter chairman. A page in the yearbook was saved for me in that school. Two gang leaders there told me if I had any problems, I should call on them. In the building where I live people were surprised and amazed. They were very kind in their discussions.

I went to the shop where I had bought my shoes two weeks before to buy a pair of shoelaces (the police had given me the wrong ones when I was released). When the shop owner discovered I was one of the people who smacked the Klan, he gave me the laces for free and told me to hit another one so he could give me another pair. Around Christmas, I went to a demonstration against slave labor. Several people (old and young) came out of the crowd and shook my hand, saying they recognized me and thought what we had done was wonderful.

I am still receiving "pounds" (punch/love-taps) from the students I see every day. Sometimes I meet former students from my old school on the train or elsewhere. They always come over to shake my hand, and talk about the Klan Klobbering. Most of the time I give them PLP literature and other articles about the anti-Klan action.

All three of us wrote to friends and relatives asking for donations to our legal defense fund. The response was overwhelming. It just about covered our expenses. Friends of mine who live in other countries and had seen me on television phoned each other from one country to another to talk about what happened.

At Christmas I was invited to the house of the son of an old comrade who has retired to Florida. When I was about to leave, the son made a speech to his 60 guests about the Progressive Labor Party, the anti-racist action of his friend and how wonderful it was. Children who live in his building, with whom I had actively worked for many years, and who had come many times to May Day, are now teenagers and older. A crowd of them grabbed and hugged me and cheered. It didn't seem to stop.

It is our Party's view that our friends judge us by how we lead our lives. As a communist and anti-racist, and I have always tried to organize for the PLP. I have always tried to treat my co-workers with dignity and respect. For every small act I've been part of, I've received back 10,000-fold.

Long live the struggle to smash racism. Long live the working class. Fight for communism.

A Brooklyn comrade


The formation of a coalition government in Austria between fascist Jörg Haider's Freedom Party and the Conservative Party shows once again that although the Nazis lost World War II, fascism is not dead. The reason? Capitalism and fascism are birds of a feather.

There are several important points behind the rise of this fascist-directed coalition government:

* Even though the new coalition government kicked out the Social Democrats, which, along with the Conservative Party, ran Austria since WWII, Haider's policies differ little from those of the Social Democrats. The term "Überfremdung" ("too many foreigners"), taken from the Hitler's Third Reich, is used by Haider to attack immigrants. But before Haider, the Social-Democratic Mayor of Vienna used it. Though Haider has praised the Nazis' SS Waffen as "men with honor," he "is not the first Austrian politician to court the Nazi vote. Several members of the government of Bruno Kreisky, Austria's most respected post-war chancellor, were former Nazis." (Financial Times, 2/6-7) In the 1980's, Kurt Waldheim, former UN head, became Austria's Prime Minister although by then it was well-known he served in Hitler's SS.

* The 14 countries of the European Union want to isolate the new Austrian government, not because of its openly fascist outlook, but because Haider is more like Le Pen in France and Buchanan in the U.S., who represent nationalist capitalist forces against globalization. They threaten the formation of a European capitalist bloc aiming to compete with the U.S capitalist bloc.

* Finally, an important historical lesson: Austria, like many other Western European countries, has never really dealt with its Nazi past. One million Austrian soldiers (of a total 1941 adult population of about five million) served in Hitler's war machine. Nazi SS Colonel Adolph Eichmann, who headed Hitler's "final solution" of exterminating the Jewish population, ran that mass murder from Vienna. Yet, after the war, the Western capitalist countries treated Austria not as a Nazi ally but as a victim of the Nazis. In 1938, Austria joined Hitler's Third Reich voluntarily.

Austria may have been the most prominent case of allying with Hitler's Germany, but basically big sections of the ruling class in the major capitalist countries (Vichy France, Mussolini's Italy, parts of the British ruling class and royal family) were "fifth columnists," meaning they sided with the Nazis. Top U.S. bankers and industrialists met with their German counterparts in "neutral" Switzerland during WWII. Only the communist-led Soviet Union was able to crush their own fifth columnists before the war, and therefore defeat the Nazis, while nearly all of Western Europe became part of the Third Reich.

Our final lesson is: destroy capitalism and its creation, fascism, once and for all. The international working class must finish what the Soviet Red Army started during WWII. That means fighting for communism. That's what PLP fights for today. Join us!

"They Shall Not Pass...."

(The following article was written by a PLP comrade who is a World War II veteran and was a participant in the events described below.)

When I was discharged from the Army after World War II, I was recruited into the Communist Party (CP). After a stint in the American Labor Party, (a CP-led left-wing electoral party), the CP assigned me to join the Jewish War Veterans (JWV). The JWV CP club was small. However, two exceptional mass workers more than compensated for its size. The other four club members, including myself, were modestly active. My main task seemed to be driving the others around to their destinations.

Soon we were planning for a JWV national convention in Atlantic City, NJ. The main issue was the rearming of West Germany. U.S. rulers wanted West Germany to play a crucial role in stopping and rolling back the advances of the Soviet Union in the late Forties and early Fifties.

Our club decided to focus on preventing the JWV from adopting a resolution endorsing the rearmament of West Germany. An important part of the ruling class's strategy was to get the JWV--whose members were both Jewish and veterans--to approve this resolution, which might influence many beyond the JWV to support the rulers' goals.

Our CP club worked long and hard to win convention delegates to vote against the resolution. Led by our twin aces, we covered every JWV post in the country, and all the leading activists in these posts. Given that there were over 1,000 posts, this was a huge job.

By the time the convention began, we had a plan and had done some spade work. The U.S. State Department got the-then famous Admiral "Bull" Halsey to address the convention in order to win delegates to pass the resolution. Although Halsey was a "war hero," his speech backing the resolution fell on deaf ears. Panicked by this defeat, the State Department dug up what they figured was their "ace-in-the-hole" to get their Nazi resolution passed. That very night they flew the U.S. High Commissioner for West Germany, John J. McCloy (a Rockefeller investment banker), over from Europe to address the convention.

When McCloy was introduced and began to speak, many delegates stood up and, according to our plan, raised their right arms with clenched fists and started shouting the Hitlerite slogan, "Sieg Heil!" Soon all 3,000 delegates were on their feet joining in with the Nazi salute. Needless to say, the resolution to re-arm West Germany got nowhere.

This occurred on a Saturday. On Sunday, the New York Times ran a front-page picture of the delegates giving McCloy the Nazi salute.

Our club, within the limits of the its weak political line, had accomplished its mission. The hard work, the connections, the base-building paid off. Being in the right place at the right time can succeed when linking the mood of the masses to the work of the Party.



Recently my union held a training session for new delegates (stewards). I am a long-time delegate, but as my wife was elected for the first time this year I went with her. The training was mostly about grievances, but in the morning some of the union's officers addressed the delegates.

A lot of it was pretty dry. Then the Vice-President for Legislative and Political Action decided to briefly explain how U.S. unions became involved in the political process. According to her at first it was illegal for unions to even exist, and throughout U.S. history, restrictive laws hamstrung Labor's attempts to organize. So U.S. labor leaders decided to organize workers to vote for candidates favorable to labor. Their success has resulted in all the gains that U.S. workers have won.

The VP concluded by emphasizing the importance of union members becoming involved in the political (read electoral) process. Her viewpoint was seconded with considerable enthusiasm by a number of delegates from the floor.

I decided I could not let her line go unchallenged. I took the floor to point out that the gains won by U.S. workers resulted from illegal strikes and insurrections, in which many workers fought and died. It was this violent struggle, and the threat of even more widespread struggle, that caused the bosses to grant some of the workers' demands.

The VP had mentioned that the big drug companies have been able to defeat any attempts at price controls because they give huge sums of money to both the Republican and Democratic parties. I jumped on this and questioned how much chance the unions had of winning many politicians to our side, since it is money that drives all political campaigns. I argued that our best hope for making gains was organizing to fight on the job and in the streets.

I received some applause, and learned later from another delegate that a number of people had been unhappy with the VP's one-sided presentation. They were glad I had spoken and agreed with much of what I said. However, whatever my reception, the importance of this training session is another example of labor's main line in this period: globalization and corporate greed are the main problems facing workers; the "answer" is to organize to vote for politicians friendly to labor.

Combating this rotten line on our jobs and at meetings like this is our repsonsibility. As we deepen our ties with fellow workers and activists, our response must go further to show that the main problem is the capitalist system itself, and that workers' problems cannot be solved until we destroy this entire system and replace it with communism.

Union Red


I'm mostly in agreement with S. Agonistes' analysis (CHALLENGE, Jan. 26 letter) of PLP's activities in the Modern Language Association (MLA). Here is a review of our communist activities and some ideas about how to improve our work at future MLA Conventions.

On the first official of this past convention, nother Chicago member and myself were responsible for organizing the mass distribution of Party and Party-friendly literature. We set up a table which included CHALLENGE, a flyer announcing an MLA session on "The Battle of Seattle: The Symbolic Action of Resistance," and a handout giving the reform and revolutionary side of the question. Many people were open to our ideas. We ran out of flyers and handouts and distributed 45 CHALLENGES within an hour.

At the Delegates Assembly meeting, in the discussion on Campus Bigotry--academic racism symbolized by the MLA's support of the Ezra Pound Society--a Party member raised the need to attack the academic racism in the MLA itself. (Ezra Pound was a poet who was convicted of treason for making anti-Jewish propaganda broadcasts for Mussolini fascism during World War II.)

Finally, for the first time in MLA history, we had a politically correct PLP session on the Battle of Seattle as symbolic action, featuring a steelworker who had gone to the anti-WTO union demonstrations. He presented a moving narrative of his experiences there. I spoke on the need for an explicit literature of revolution. We then had a lively discussion of the contradictions between reform and revolution, between literature and politics. One of the high points of the session was an open call for communist revolution by a young black high school student. Some 18 people took part.

Starting now, we must learn to use our limited resources in a better way: waging ideological struggle against the bosses' ideas in this, the world's biggest ideological organization: feminism, racism, multiculturalism, anti-communism (the Slavic Studies sessions), fascism (the Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot groups), etc.

Next year we must demonstrate against liberal bosses' mouthpieces like Noam Chomsky who was an honored guest at one of the MLA's special sessions. Chomsky pushes sociobiology. His "structural linguistics," crudely translated, means we have a gene for speaking and writing language. If you have poor language skills, it indicates you have poor genes. He also supports the rights of Holocaust "deniers" and is a vicious anti-Communist who defends capitalist evil by "critiquing" it.

We must circulate more Party literature. We spend too much energy preparing economist and reformist resolutions, watering them down to fit some of our friends' views, and then fighting to have them put on the agenda only to see them not voted on. We should join the general literature studies groups where ruling class ideas are raised. We should research the MLA Sessions book to locate exponents of the bosses' more openly Nazi ideas or their generally dangerous liberal ideas so we can organize against them. We must recruit more to PLP and to study-action groups.

This is the way to fight the bosses' control over the thoughts of English teachers, who are on the cutting edge of the ideological struggles going on in capitalist society.

Fight for communism; power to ALL workers.

Prof. Eric D. Redd, member, MLA


I am a high school student at a school in Pennsylvania and I have some problems learning math. I read the article on math in CHALLENGE about how others have trouble too. This week the students were told that the teacher of the week was a math teacher. The announcement said that her favorite book of all times was "The God That Failed," which I learned was a bunch of essays from people against communism. Some students thought the book was about religion, and the teacher was saying "God failed." I thought that was funny. That book is hardly read by anyone. The annoucement also said that her favorite movie was "The Hunt for Red October," based on a book by Tom Clancey, who I read gives talks at the CIA.

Then they said her advice to students was to make your own choices to succeed or someone will make them for you. Then it all made sense. She was always giving me dirty looks. (I wear a hat with a red star on it.)

Last week she reported me to the office saying I had been grabbing girls in the hall and hit one on her butt. The letter was sent to my parents, and I was given detention. She tried to picture me as a sexual harrasser of girls. That is just crazy. She doesn't like me 'cause she is a fanatic anti-communist. No wonder people would have trouble learning from the old witch.

Also, a history teacher who saw my hat told me that his buddies died fighting people like me. I don't advocate communism in school but I raise questions and I make mostly good grades. I told him it wasn't a communist hat, and that was the truth 'cause I bought it at a record store in a mall.

These people are nuts in the head when it comes to communism. They don't call those who are racist and some with shaved heads Nazis and bother them. Just wanted to let this be known.

Student Against Capitalist Brainwashing


There were many important issues raised in the letter from "Brooklyn PLP'er" (2/9) which commented on a January 12 editorial entitled "100 Years of American Holocaust. I will limit myself to only some of them:

The letter states that, "The U.S. established itself as the moral leader of the world in helping to smash fascism." Yet, in fact, the letter also refers to the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima, which the editorial noted killed (along with the Nagasaki bombing) 250,000 Japanese civilians, at a time when Japan was already negotiating to surrender. Even U.S. generals (Eisenhower, Marshall) said it was unnecessary. Many Western historians have agreed the U.S. dropped these bombs as a warning to the Soviet Union to "toe the line" in the post-war world. One could argue this atrocity was possibly the most immoral act ever committed.

The letter says "the alliance of the Soviet Union with the U.S." and the West "was not even mentioned." Actually it was referred to in the editorial in the sense that this "alliance" was peculiarly one-sided. That is, the U.S. and the West did all it could to push Hitler to the East to destroy Soviet socialism, postponed a Second Front in Western Europe for two years in the hope that Hitler and the Soviets would kill each other off, and re-Nazified Germany immediately after the war ended (as well as the above-mentioned "warning" via the A-bomb). The fact that the Soviets and the West were fighting a common enemy militarily occurred only because Hitler went West before he went East, double-crossing the U.S., Britain and France.

Thirdly, "Brooklyn PLP'er" says "fascism was destroyed." The combination of the re-installation of Nazi Party members in positions of power in West Germany, the use of Nazis by the West to combat the post-war USSR, the emergence of fascism in many countries around the world--Chile, Argentina (two nations to which the U.S. and Britain helped many Nazis to flee), Central America, South Africa, the U.S. attempt to enslave Vietnam, the current pro-fascist wave in France (LePen), Germany (Nazis marching in Berlin), Austria (Hai supposedly der), Italy (the pro-Mussolini descendents), the forced labor pressed upon hundreds of thousands of the 2,000,000 prisoners in U.S. jails---all this would indicate fascism is alive and kicking in the world today.

The letter writer makes a good point in saying we need to constantly explain the different "look" of fascism in the U.S. as compared to Germany. Other questions raised in the letter (the "destruction of certain peoples," the leadership role of the Soviet working class and Red Army in World War II) have have been dealt with in many issues of CHALLENGE over the past few years.

Retired Brooklyn PLP'er


I want to add something to the January 19 letter on Y2K. As the writer stated, the problem arose because programmers in the ' 60s and '70s used only the last two digits to indicate the year (65 instead of 1965). This was done to save computer memory which was very expensive then. But "expensive" is a capitalist notion. Computers developed under communism would have no such thing as "high prices" for anything or even prices at all!

Furthermore, programmers knew using only the last two digits of a year would eventually cause a problem. Some very authoritative articles in the mid-1980's made this even clearer. So the idea that "no one knew about Y2k" is pure baloney. But once the capitalists had invested their money in incorrect software, they were scared to be the first (or only) ones to change it because: (1) the problem wouldn't show up for quite some time, and (2) the money spent now to correct the problem might put them out of business!

So the capitalists took their usual course of action: wait until the last minute, declare a "national emergency," be sure that everyone was in the same boat so that no (dis)advantage would result from making the changes, and get "the government" (that is, the working class's taxes) to pay for a lot of the upgrades.

However, most people don't realize that the "solution" used by virtually all large companies was not a permanent one. To really solve the Y2K problem large databases had to be redesigned to be consistent with a four-digit year. In most cases, this was again determined to be "too expensive" and only in exceptional cases were such changes made.

To make all two-digit years act as if four-digit years were being used, a method, known as windowing was employed. The century was divided into two segments, one from 2000 to 2030 and the other from 2031 to 2099. This so-called fix will create another Y2K crisis in 2030 and we can be sure that, once again, "government" funds will be used to correct it.

Thus the Y2K crisis is a purely capitalist one. Its incorrect solution under capitalism is part of the very same problem. This doesn't even deal with the fact that most of the errors that would have occurred were again purely capitalist ones: incorrect dates on bills, erroneous insurance calculations, etc.

Once again, capitalism proves itself incapable of dealing with even a relatively simple situation.

Pennsylvania Reader


In the CHALLENGE (2/2), I wrote a review of the movie "The Hurricane." Because I was attempting to criticize the distortions of the movie, I didn't fully acknowledge that the boxer Rubin "Hurricane" Carter had been a radical and powerful voice in the '60s, calling for self-defense against cop killings, as well as an active supporter of anti-apartheid fighters, including the murdered Steve Biko. Carter's was a vocal and strong voice, and this was certainly the main reason he was attacked, arrested, framed, and kept in jail for over 20 years. I apologize for the oversight.