
KKKop Ron & state guilty of racist murder

02 February 2023 202 hits
Los Angeles, CA, January 20- Criminal KKKop Martin Ron was found guilty by an LA County civil jury today of “negligence” which caused the death of Cesar Rodriguez, a 23-year old Latin man. Cesar was accused of not paying his transit fare and taken off the METRO train by a racist fare inspector, who then handed him over to City of Long Beach cop Ron. Cesar was wrongly arrested and Ron then performed an “off-balance” full body search of Cesar within 2-3 feet of the edge of the subway platform. Cesar fell and, with Ron on top of him and his outstretched legs dangling over the edge, an oncoming train crushed and killed him.

Through our intense involvement in the movement against racist police violence in Southern California, Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members have met family after family whose loved ones were taken from them by these animals who wear uniforms, serve the capitalist class and protect their profits.

These continuing murders (at least three more workers’ lives were stolen by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in the first two weeks of 2023) have only hardened our belief that no reform or lawsuit can stop the hemorrhaging of the blood of our class by the cops. Only the violent take-down of the capitalists and their government and the establishment of communist working-class rule can put an end to this slaughter. Gradually, more family members are coming to agree with our politics.

An integral part of capitalist infrastructure here, METRO is the largest landowner in Los Angeles County ( Its 2022-2023 budget is $8.8 billion, with a 12.5 percent increase in spending for “public safety”, i.e. cops, fare inspectors, etc. (LA Metro, 5/25/22). It has a $786 million multi-year contract with the LAPD, LASD (sheriff's department) and Long Beach cops. Its Board of Directors is dominated by Democratic Party politicians, including LA Mayor Karen Bass, four current or former LA County Supervisors, and Inglewood Mayor James Butts. METRO, a supposed paragon of public service, enforces systemic racism. “Despite making up only 18 percent of riders, Black riders have been issued 50 percent of citations and arrests by METRO’s contracted” KKKops (

Racist cop terror and lies stir working class anger
Like many other families in the LA area, Cesar’s family, including his mother and three sisters, has waged a heroic campaign publicizing their son and brother’s murder and fighting for justice. This organizing ensured that, during jury selection and every day of the two-week trial, jurors saw a multi-racial group of supporters sitting in the courtroom, including other victimized families, PLP members and local organizers. Day after day, family members thanked PLP members for our unswerving commitment to all the families’ struggles.

Many supporters of Cesar’s family understand that capitalism is at the root of racist cop terror and murder. Ron was never charged with any crime during the administration of former Long Beach Police Chief Robert Luna, who was recently elected Sheriff of LA County. In fact, he was promoted to Sergeant. As one of Cesar’s sisters said to the Telegraph Newspaper “No amount of money is going to bring Cesar back … This is not justice for us. It would be for (Ron) to be in jail.” By definition, the capitalist court system cannot stop the carnage reaped by a police force that the ruling class needs in order to stay in power.

With one exception, all of the witnesses for Ron were cops or wanna-be “fare inspector” cops.

Their racism was palpable - their lies vicious. In response to a question from the family’s lawyer, the inspector who pulled Cesar off the train said he appeared “not normal” and “dirty.”

Several cop witnesses claimed Cesar tried to escape and in doing so lunged towards the oncoming train. One other defense witness actually told the ludicrous story that Cesar tried to run across the tracks in front of the train and Ron tried to grab and save him!

Courts serve the bosses’ interests, not ours
After the jury rendered its negligence verdict against Ron and left the courtroom, along with the judge, court supporters got a lesson in which class the courts actually serve. Cesar’s mother collapsed, weeping. Within two minutes, a dozen LA County Sheriff’s officers invaded the courtroom.

The cops claimed they were there to render medical treatment to Cesar’s mother, an out and out lie since none of them was a medical person. Ron had apparently complained to one of the Court Clerks that he felt harassed or threatened. So the Clerk put in a call, and Ron’s fellow pigs came to his rescue. In the face of these fascist tactics by the cops, the mainly female supporters of the family stuck together and told the cops to their faces that their help was not needed or wanted. As the Sheriffs backed off, the supporters escorted family members out of the courtroom.

A positive sign was the obvious effect that years of struggle against racist police violence in the streets has had on public perceptions of the cops. In pre-trial questions designed to elicit “bias” of the 50 person jury pool, person after person related negative interactions with cops, either personal or involving a family member or friend. There was much  refusal to trust police testimony, and a desire to award the family monetary damages, even if the cop was found not responsible for Cesar’s death. One prospective juror said he could not be unbiased because the role of the police is as an arm of a government responsible for systematic oppression. Because of this wide-spread anti-cop sentiment, defense attorneys ran out of challenges to the jury makeup and were unable to keep off all of those who criticized the cops.

Only communism will end racism
Despite the jury’s $12.6 million verdict, it may be a long time before the family sees any of that money, if at all. Cop Ron’s attorneys will no doubt appeal. This battle has already gone on for five and a half years. However, the family will keep up the struggle. One of his sisters said that the cops’ lies about Cesar have just made her want to fight back harder. At the post-trial party celebrating this small taste of justice for the family, a PLP member pointed out that “our class still suffers daily at the hands of these attack dogs for the ruling class and only a communist revolution can change that.” We in PLP pledge an unending battle to bring that world about.