
Colombia: ‘break the chains!’

27 April 2023 64 hits

International May Day Greetings from Columbia

Workers, comrades and friends of Progressive Labor Party (PLP), we send you all a revolutionary greeting from Colombia. We are getting ready to commemorate the international day of the working class, a day on which millions of workers around the world will march remembering their history of struggle against the exploitation inherent in the capitalist system and its disastrous consequences for the workers, who have been alienated by the search for profit maximization.

The intensification of the contradictions between big and small fascists in Colombia has shown that the bosses' democracy is a retrograde and corrupt system that does not work for the benefit of the proletariat, which is why it must be destroyed by workers' power.  It cannot be reformed.
Capitalism has created a world where women, men and children die en masse due to poverty, hunger, racist and sexist violence, police brutality and environmental destruction. Unemployment, wage slavery, sexism and war undermine the rebellious consciousness preventing the red flag from waving around the world.

In this way, the revolution will only be possible with the strengthening of working class consciousness and organizing the struggle through the revolutionary line of PLP, self-criticism being a key element in the process of defeating the dark night.

Our call for the workers of the world is to strengthen our work, being creative, dedicated and dialectical. The road to revolution is long and adverse but possible, even though the enemies of communism and the working class present it as something illusory and outdated.

On this May Day in Colombia, many comrades and friends of PLP will march through the streets of Bogotá, many of them unemployed young people and constant victims of state repression and its policies of misery and hunger. We will be demonstrating our growing interest in defeating capitalism with communist revolution.

Everything we do in favor of the communist cause counts, which is why in Colombia we organize ourselves in favor of the confrontations of our class sisters and brothers in their collective struggles, seeking to form new study groups around CHALLENGE and the dissemination of PLP’s line.

When the resurgence of fascism becomes imminent, the fight becomes even more urgent. So, our fighting cry is an open invitation to all the comrades of the world to break the chains that capitalism has imposed on us. LET US ALL FIGHT to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and the arrival of the glorious communist dawn.

Forward working class, let's strengthen PLP and its communist line!