
MAY DAY ... Los Angeles: 'We have a world to win"

11 May 2023 81 hits

LOS ANGELES–The 12 months since last May Day have been a hell of a year for the working class of the world. With Covid-19, imperialist wars, continued police murders and terror, unemployment, and lack of housing ravishing working-class communities, especially Black, Latin and Asian, it can be hard to imagine creating a better world for all of us. But May Day reminds us that we have a communist world to win and we can join together with our class brothers and sisters to fight to achieve that goal.

Celebrating struggle

This year in Los Angeles the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) hosted our own dinner in a local park. Our May Day event was organized by a committee made up mostly of students and close base, several of whom were attending their first May Day. On May Day, a multiracial, multi-generational group of 50 workers gathered to celebrate with speeches, songs, poetry, and food. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon filled with the collective efforts of comrades, friends, and family to bring together nourishment for the mind, body, and soul.

The program was emceed by a comrade and an enthusiastic student celebrating her second May Day. Another group of students shared a skit depicting the history of May Day. In between, musician comrades led us in lively renditions of Bella Ciao, Too Many Names, and Deportees. There was the ever popular Table Talk and CHALLENGE Quiz where we discussed what PLP is and fights for and what communism is and how we can achieve it. Even though not everyone agreed, we had lively discussions that will continue as we move forward.

Another highlight was a poetry performance hono
ring the first May Day fighter, Frederick Holder (who was killed by LA County Sheriffs two years ago), and all the impacted families out in the streets. We continue to fight alongside impacted families in Los Angeles and link their struggles to the world-wide fight against police killings.

The struggle continues
PLP has been involved in struggles against police terror for many years. In LA, we have continued to work directly with several victims’ families during the past year. These families have led regular rallies and protests, recently bringing the fight directly to the District Attorney’s neighborhood and very doorstep. Not only do the families speak about their experiences with the racist LAPD and the LA County Sheriffs, but we show our strength by taking over the street and collectively confronting the police. We have also been active in a tenants union campaign organizing in a building where the slumlord is refusing repairs and trying to evict tenants who are leading the struggle. All of these actions continue to be welcomed and supported by workers who live in these areas.

Many attendees were excited to learn more about communism and PLP. Two students are already planning to participate in next year’s May Day program and others are ready to come to the summer project. As a result of our ongoing work, many hundreds of people have been exposed to communist and antiracist politics and more people understand the strength of the working class when we unite. The future here looks bright for the growth of PLP and our movement to rid the earth of the capitalist exploiters and their henchmen in “law enforcement.”