
PL’ers give leadership to the working class

06 July 2023 85 hits

May Day was celebrated with joy and revolutionary passion all over Pakistan. Workers, students and different trade unions organized May Day with banners explaining that we need to change capitalism with a system organized by the working class; from each according to abilities to each according to needs.

Capitalist bosses are greedy so they exploit us to work for their profit system. They want us to die in their imperialist wars while making profit for them. They want us to be exploited every minute of our lives as we work from dawn to dusk.  And then they also want us to protect their exploitative system.
But Progressive Labor Party organizes the working class to wage war against the bosses, and one day lead a communist revolution.

Capitalist misleaders
It is ironic that the majority of workers cannot participate in May Day processions because they have to work all day to earn something to feed their families. Daily wagers, contract workers and farm workers cannot leave work to celebrate May Day either because their masters don't allow them or they have to get some wage to meet their needs.

Trade union misleaders are here just to protect the interests of bosses; they are unable to bring something good to the lives of the poor working class. They are getting a monthly fund from every worker by promising that they will bend the bosses down to accept the demands of workers but behind the curtain they are bargaining with the bosses to get more advantages for themselves.

Time after time these misleaders are being used by the bosses to cool down the anger of poor workers by assuring them on behalf of bosses that ‘your demands will be accepted in a few weeks or months’! Workers are still deprived of every facility which is supposed to be provided by the factory owners to the workers according to labor laws.

Communist leadership
In May Day processions and seminars our comrades criticized the prevailing system and its defenders; those are usually union misleaders. Our comrades explained that these so-called union leaders are not essential to leading their struggle against the capitalist system. We pointed out each time workers organized a strike unleashing their class anger through militant  sit-ins to close down production, then these misleaders bargained with the bosses to break the strike.

Our comrades also explained the difference between criminals and leaders; they said we need communist leaders who believe in the power of the working class, not the criminal-minded gangsters who are using the name of workers to get benefits for themselves. These criminals are in the guise of leaders, as they torture and abuse the workers even asking the bosses to fire someone if they think that worker is going to challenge their authority.

We are trying to give communist leadership to the working class. We  visit factories to start the process of unionizing at the workplace but we are facing hurdles which are being spread by the factory owners, contractors, security personnel and the misleaders.  

Our comrades  talk about the importance of changing the system and forging the reform struggle. We explain the necessity of an international communist movement against capitalism. The Progressive Labor Party is spreading its communist ideas among the working class and the workers are responding.