
LETTER: Cadre school exposes capitalist propaganda machine

23 July 2023 106 hits

The Baltimore/DC area recently held a discussion-based and art-filled cadre school on capitalism in education and the role of consumerism in promoting capitalist ideology. Over 45 people came to discuss the problems inherent in capitalism and the path towards communism.

I have attended more than a dozen cadre schools in my experience with Progressive Labor Party (PLP) and this one was one of the most engaging ones. We did art projects related to advertising which generated more casual base building discussions with the other participants. In the education component we made posters showing what we had discussed with a randomly selected partner; this helped me discuss ideas with my partner collaboratively. There was music playing during the breaks, and plenty of chances to meet other attendees and exchange ideas. The most exciting thing was the multiracial, comradely workers who attended. Everyone was encouraged to participate in the discussions and the atmosphere was comfortable enough that honest and sharp discussion flowed.

We also made a point that everyone had to wear masks since the event was indoors, and I’m glad we took Covid-19 seriously because it turns out one attendee tested positive for Covid-19 the next day! Thankfully no other cases were reported, probably because we all wore masks. The cadre school was led by relatively new comrades and while of course there were a few bumps here or there, overall, everyone had a positive experience. We are definitely looking forward to continuing this type of discussion-oriented format in the future.

We also learned that we need to continuously put forward organizing for the Party as the only way to fight capitalism and build a communist future.