
Loretto strikers defy racist healthcare system

17 August 2023 84 hits

CHICAGO, August 11—Over 200 multiracial workers ended their strike with Loretto Hospital today, capping off 11 bold days of militant defiance towards the capitalist bosses’ rotten, racist healthcare system. By withholding their labor through striking, the workers were able to gain wage increases, steps towards safer staffing, and the recognition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday.

Comrades from the international communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP) were proud to support and learn from our fellow workers as we visited the picket line almost daily. We brought hundreds of CHALLENGE to distribute, dozens of tamales, as well as a letter of support with signatures from another nearby hospital. Most importantly, we shared the powerful ideas of communist revolution and multiracial unity as the best means to challenge this profit system.

By organizing on the job and joining unions, we can certainly force the bosses to give up some concessions they wouldn’t otherwise give up. But as long as healthcare or any other industry remains in the hands of the capitalist bosses, they will have the upper hand to make their profits primary over our needs. We invite all workers worldwide to join and help build PLP as the force that will destroy racist, sexist capitalism and replace it with a worker-run communist society!

Capitalism kills — heat up the class struggle
The dangerous racist conditions inside Loretto Hospital were brewing for some time before they boiled over in the form of this strike. As a safety-net hospital that serves mainly Black residents on the city’s west side, the workers at Loretto serve as a crucial resource to those going through mental health crises or struggling with substance abuse. The fact that the hospital bosses would cry broke and allow conditions to worsen so bad inside is a plain racist attack on both the workers and the patients.

Like many other capitalist institutions, the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 greatly sped up the decline inside Loretto. In 2021, the hospital bosses found themselves under federal investigation after it was discovered that top executives were funneling scarce vaccines away from workers to wealthy residents downtown (Block Club Chicago, 11/2/21).

Recently, there has been a staff turnover rate of around 60 percent, which leads to chronic understaffing of departments, overwork, and injuries (WGN9, 7/31). Earlier this year, a patient in the Emergency Room overdosed in the bathroom and afterwards died because there were not enough staff to work the department (WBEZ, 8/2). One thing is clear: capitalism kills!

These attacks and countless others from the bosses helped stir an above average level of urgency and militancy among these strikers. Even though the strike lasted eleven days, they kept up their energy and resolve. Beyond just chanting and marching, they pushed the limits by being openly confrontational with the hospital bosses.

In one instance, workers pasted printouts of safety violations all over a hospital vehicle. As security attempted to tear down the notices, even more workers came forward to replace the ones taken down! On another day, strikers banded together to block deliveries from entering the hospital in order to apply more pressure.

The length and boldness of the strike definitely got to the bosses. On one of the last days, an off-duty kkkop/security guard got openly confrontational with strikers on the picket line, threatening “I’ve got two [ammunition] clips for every one of you” and even putting his hands on the neck of one of the workers! All the other workers immediately rushed to the defense of their fellow striker.

It was a scary and despicable act, but it no doubt exposed the clear connection between the bosses and their attack dogs in the cops and the military to enforce their class rule. As capitalism slides deeper into global crisis and more open fascism, we need to be prepared as workers to confront the bosses’ physical attacks through the organized force of a Party.

Reform and revolution
The outcome of the Loretto strike shows both the potential and the limits of fighting for change under capitalism. On the one hand, workers were able to band together and gain a glimpse of our power and our essential role to make the system run. On the other hand, the hospital was allowed to stay open the entire length of the strike with many non-union workers still crossing the picket line without the union leadership making any real effort to win them over to the side of the strikers. Even with a new contract, many of the working conditions are still at the whim of the bosses who will violate them in no time.

PLP fights openly for a communist society where we don’t share any power with the bosses. It would be working people – like those of us on the Loretto picket line – who would be in charge of making decisions and running society collectively based on our needs as a class, without any money, wages or profit. Although under communism we would still have plenty of difficulties, it truly represents the interests of the international working class and a future free from racism, sexism, and exploitation.

A communist salute
We raise a salute to the workers of Loretto for sharpening the class struggle against the racist bosses! We are excited to follow up with new friends that we’ve made on the picket and are ready to advance with you on the long but rewarding path to a communist world!