
RED EYE ON THE NEWS . . . September 20, 2023

07 September 2023 119 hits

Israeli fascists work to evict Eritrean workers
Al Jazeera, 9/3–Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he wants Eritrean refugees and migrants involved in a violent clash in Tel Aviv to be deported immediately and has ordered a plan to remove all of the country’s African migrants…after bloody protests by rival groups of Eritreans in south Tel Aviv left dozens of people injured…He requested that the ministers present him with plans “for the removal of all the other illegal infiltrators,” and noted in his remarks that the Supreme Court struck down some measures meant to coerce the refugees to leave…Under international law, Israel cannot forcibly send migrants back to a country where their life or liberty may be at risk…About 25,000 African migrants live in Israel, mainly from Sudan and Eritrea, who say they fled conflict or repression. Israel recognizes very few as asylum seekers, seeing them overwhelmingly as economic migrants, and says it has no legal obligation to keep them.

Neo-nazis fight for control of Florida
The Jerusalem Post, 9/4–Neo-Nazis from the antisemitic Goyim Defense League (GDL) held demonstrations across Florida on Saturday, right-wing Jewish journalist, Laura Loomer revealed in videos posted…the following day.
In one video, Loomer records video as she approaches the assembled group of white supremacists, all of whom are wearing red shirts. Many of the red shirts bear the image of a skull on the font with the acronym, GDL, plastered on the skull’s forehead…The back of the shirts bear the number “88.”... 88 is a white supremacist code for “Heil Hitler.” On Saturday afternoon, the extremist groups Goyim Defense League (GDL) and Blood Tribe (BT) appeared together in the greater Orlando area for what they called the “March of the Redshirts." Over 50 participants joined the march wearing matching uniforms (red shirts, black masks and black pants), waving swastika flags, performing Hitler salutes and shouting hateful messages that included “White power” and “Jews will not replace us.”

Reports of China’s demise may be premature
NikkeiAsia, 9/3–In the eyes of Western mainstream media, China's economy is in an unrecoverable free fall. In a cover story last month, the Economist magazine said the economy is beyond repair…Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman said China has "lost a lot of its dynamism" and is in "policy paralysis," warning that "the next few years may be quite ugly."…Beijing is on track to hit its 2023 target of gross domestic product growth of "around 5%" as set at the National People's Congress session in March. State media continues to offer upbeat news…Yet on some level, the doomsayers have a point: The world's second-largest economy is facing a consumption downturn…Chinese people are squirreling away a third of their income into savings…It is notable though that 84% of Chinese studying abroad these days return to their homeland after graduation to seek work…these young Chinese see more opportunity at home...than overseas.

European ruling class fighting to bring back deposed Niger president
The Spectator, 8/11–The first time Mohamed Bazoum came to the attention of the European media was in the aftermath of the Great Migrant Crisis of 2015. The man who was the president of Niger, was at that time the minister of the interior…It was his responsibility to implement an accord between Niger and the European Union to stem the flow of migrants through his country north towards the Mediterranean coast. Up until 2011 such attempts to reach Europe would have ended unsuccessfully at the Libyan border, but after the West ousted Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 anarchy replaced order in Libya, and the smugglers made hay…The numbers then plummeted…This was to a large extent down to the Niger government, which in 2015 enacted Law 36, a zero tolerance approach to people trafficking. Bazoum was zealous in implementing the new law, in the process earning the respect and the admiration of Brussels…Law 36 was not well received in Niger. It may have made Bazoum popular with the EU… but many Nigeriens were angry at his victory.