
Part 1: Capitalism fueled climate catastrophe

24 September 2023 93 hits

This is the introductory article of a series on climate change. Worldwide climate catastrophe is having its biggest impact on the working class, especially Black and brown workers and youth. This issue is integral to the international working-class struggle against racism, sexism and imperialism and for the revolutionary transformation of society. This means building the fight for communism- here, there, and everywhere. Our lives depend on it.

This July's global average temperature of 16.95C (62.51F) was 0.33C (0.59F) higher than the earlier record set in July 2019, when the global average temperatures hit 16.63C (32F). From Phoenix, Az. (July, 2023 average high of 114 degrees, low of 90 degrees) to fires in Greece to Iraq (Baghdad average high was 119 degrees) and Pakistan (still damaged by floods that occurred in 2022), the build-up of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere has led to scorching temperatures and massive flooding. Last summer alone, heat waves in Europe killed 61,000 people and in Pakistan 1700 people died from the worst rains in decades.

Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe!
Somewhere around 97% of all climate scientists in the world agree that it’s not by chance that one disaster after another has been occurring over the past number of decades. What is at the core of this rapid climate change? You guessed it. The unbridled, racist and unrestrained drive for profits, that is at the center of capitalism, has led coal, gas, and oil companies to continue their exploration and extraction of fossil fuels. The political lackeys in national governments and the financial institutions that “own” them, have all reneged on their pledges to reduce carbon emissions in the name of war (Ukraine) and profits. Most of the 59.1 million people internally displaced in 2021, (virtually all poor industrial workers, agricultural workers and often people of color) according to the United Nations, were victims of climate change events. China, to put the icing on the cake, has doubled down on the use of coal, which is plentiful in their land.

Millions March to Fight Against Climate Catastrophe!
The past year has seen 8 million people involved in protests and actions around the world demanding change. Will these demonstrations be enough? The answer is no. Leaving the decision-making to capitalist governments throughout the world is like asking a zebra to change its stripes. Much of the leadership of the environmental movement is linked with so-called liberal governments or fake leftists that will mislead people into the ballot box and not challenge the fundamental cause of climate catastrophe, world-wide capitalism.  The oil companies and all climate polluters have too much at stake to change course soon or at all. Future articles will discuss many aspects of climate change and discuss some possible solutions. However, one thing remains clear, as long as we allow capitalism to rule the world, we have little or no chance for a living and sustainable environment.  

The Progressive Labor Party worldwide, welcomes the task of providing revolutionary leadership to the climate catastrophe movement, connecting it to racism, sexism, imperialist war and the class struggle. The best hope for humanity is the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of communism throughout the world. Only then can we build a sustainable egalitarian economy that eliminates unchecked capitalist greed forever. Join us.