
Canadian liberal fascists’ hypocrisy

03 November 2023 121 hits

In September, Trudeau formally accused his brother-in-fascism Narendra Modi’s government in India of having orchestrated the murder of a Canadian Sikh leader. Hardeep Singh Nijjar was murdered outside of a Sikh temple in Surrey, BC, in June, and now Trudeau’s cabinet announced that it has obtained intelligence that the murder was a political assassination related to the Indian government’s ongoing persecution of Sikh people and those they suspect of participating in separatist movements in India and abroad.

Besides parliament, Trudeau also briefed the “Five Eyes” alliance members (Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand), and all have put out statements “urging” India to participate in any and all international probes.

Indian officials have called the accusation “absurd,” despite their proven record of persecuting and retaliating against the Sikh population, and Chinese media have choked the allegations up to ‘Western hypocrisy’ (CBC, Al Jazeera, Global Times).

Liberals honor Nazi war criminals
All this posturing shouldn’t fool anyone: the racist Canadian state has never much cared for the welfare of Sikh workers, only now with India joining forces with China in the BRICS formation does Canada seem moved to care about Hindu fascism and political suppression, and no justice for workers in China and India is possible while its rulers pursue imperialist ends.

Later this same month, Canada attempted to follow up its bold stand against India with more political theater, only this time it backfired. To welcome Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, on his first in-person visit to the House of Commons, Speaker of the House, Anthony Rota, announced the presence of another honored guest in attendance. The speaker called 98 year old Yaroslav Hunka a Canadian “hero,” describing him as a Ukrainian nationalist that fought bravely against Russia in World War II (Guardian). All of parliament and  Zelensky gave Hunka a standing ovation.

In truth, those fighting against the Soviet Union in World War II would have been fighting on the side of Nazi Germany. It was quickly revealed that Hunka was a nazi member of the 14th SS Waffen, 1st Galician Division, responsible for the massacres of ethnic Jewish  and Polish workers.

The event sparked an international controversy. Canadian liberal fascists like Trudeau and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh pleaded ignorance, despite the fact that the Prime Minister’s own right hand, Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland, has multiple degrees in 20th century Ukrainian and Russian studies.. Like Hunka, Chomiak escaped Soviet punishment for nazi crimes by fleeing to Canada. Canada resettled more Ukrainian nazis than anywhere else in the West after the war, including 600 of Hunka’s compatriots in the 1st Galician division of the SS.

Even if the rest of the Canadian parliamentarians like Singh and Trudeau feign ignorance, Freeland, with her lineage and education, cannot. She is part of a well-established diaspora of Ukrainian fascists in Canada, who have been usefully re-cast by the Canadian state as refugees of communism, despite the fact that only approximately 10,000 to 12,000 Ukranians fought with the nazis during the war, while millions fought bravely against naziism as communists in the Soviet Union’s Red Army.

After pressure from Jewish ethnic organizations, Anthony Rota apologized for inviting the nazi to parliament and resigned, while slimy Trudeau called the ovation a “mistake” and warned against “Russian propaganda” about World War II, and the current presence of naziism in the Ukrainian national army.

This kind of revision serves to perpetuate anticommunist myths, despite Putin and modern Russia being imperialist, while inoculating the Canadian public to its government’s continued support for Ukraine in the war.
Zelensky’s current tour is looking for increases beyond the 6 billion in money, training, and weapons Canada has already provided (BBC). These kind of farcical political stunts are how the ruling class wins us to endorse and participate in their bloody agendas, and to reject the only path to liberation we have: communist revolution!

What’s BRICS got to do with it?
The war in Ukraine and Western posturing against India are not unrelated, nor are they demonstrations of the ruling class’s care for justice or workers’ lives. BRICS, the economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is a direct threat to U.S. hegemony and global economic control. BRICS’ proposal to trade oil outside of the U.S. dollar is not only a huge blow to the U.S., but to the rest of the world that was under the sphere of U.S. imperialism. Canada’s major exports primarily go to other nations in the West, and its economic dependence on gold and oil in these flows is greatly threatened by BRICS’ moves to shift those industries into their control.

Let’s be clear: no movement of capital amongst the ruling class and their fascist governments will benefit workers anywhere, and the resulting wars they will start to resolve the economic contradictions will kill us before we ever see any trickle-down crumbs like higher wages or better access to healthcare.

In both events, the normally divided political class in Canada has been surprisingly united. No member of parliament, not even the phony social democrats, openly questioned the celebration of someone who they knew fought against their own historical alliance in World War II. Celebrating Nazis and fighting “foreign interference,” are ultimately working toward the same destructive end. This hypocrisy is even more blatant now, as countries like Canada and the United States have lined up to denounce antisemitism by arming and funding Israel’s ongoing genocide on Palestinian workers in Gaza and the West Bank.

The truth is that each nation’s ruling class will discipline each other into more and more unity as inter imperialist rivalry between the U.S. and China continues to sharpen. The prospect of World War means not even social democrats will oppose the fascist efforts to save capitalism in crisis. All of the bourgeois politicians are committed to the enrichment of capitalist pigs, as well as the ongoing suppression of communism. That, however, is one war they are set to lose.

As class consciousness grows, and more join Progressive Labor Party worldwide, our class will be strong  enough to turn the guns around, and end their war-mongering exploitation of us once and for all.