
From Cop City in Georgia to genocide in Gaza: SMASH LIBERAL FASCISM

30 November 2023 103 hits

NOVEMBER 29, ATLANTA, GA – This year's American Public Health Association (APHA) annual conference was held in Atlanta, a hotbed of ongoing class struggle against the expansion of the ruling class’s racist police state and environmental pollution and deforestation, called “Stop Cop City.” This is a prime example of the role of liberal bosses, their Democratic Party, and their Black misleaders paving the way toward fascism.

For several months, the national health collective and friends of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP), with decades of experience organizing against racism in medicine, from health determinants to the shackling of patients in hospitals to imperialist war, met virtually in preparation. Building off our ties working within our mass organizations, we joined nurses and public health organizers and were able to connect with health organizers on the ground involved in the militant “Stop Cop City” fightback.  

A comrade and friend from Los Angeles co-presented on a panel with Atlanta healthcare workers involved in the Stop Cop City campaign. We were joined by an organizer in the Santa Marta struggle against the fascist state and mining bosses. Workers there are organizing to protect hard-fought wins to keep foreign mining companies out of El Salvador. Comrades from Chicago also co-presented with the Atlanta healthcare organizers in a session on Decarceration and Abolition.  

Together, we wrote and distributed a brochure explaining Stop Cop City through a public health lens, distributed it at sessions throughout the conference, and coordinated a rally and press conference outside.The PLP contingent also guaranteed that our communist, antiracist, and anti-imperialist message was disseminated through our APHA CHALLENGE and in our speeches at the rally.  

Indeed, even the leadership of APHA did us a favor.  About a week before the conference, after nearly a month of genocidal attacks on workers in Palestine and widespread protests, the APHA’s Executive Director, Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, released a statement supporting  “peace” and “Israel’s right to exist.” This incited massive anger from many public health workers and students who were attending. Then, after discovering that we were planning the protest outside, conference organizers sent a warning, including the date and time of our protest to all 12,000 attendees of the conference.  We thank them for the mass invitation and for showing their true fascist colors!

Two protests: against racist cops and racist genocide
This resulted in two simultaneous actions; our Stop KKKop City rally planned with local Atlanta organizers and the other protest that grew out of the visceral anger of public health workers at the conference itself. We divided our forces as about 100 healthcare workers held a silent protest inside the governing council meeting urging the passage of a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and end of the occupation. 

On the outside, comrades linked the fascist attacks on workers in Gaza to the fascist attacks in Atlanta, including violent attacks on protestors just one day prior at the proposed “Cop City '' – the same site where environmental activist Tortugita was murdered.   

A comrade started his speech by saying, “If there was a chant that connected the fightback against Kkkop City and racist mass incarceration here to the open-air prison and genocidal attacks in Gaza, it’s booming in protests in cities across the world, with ‘Biden, Biden you can’t hide, We charge you with Genocide!’” The crowd outside began chanting it as well.  After a few rounds of chanting he asked, “But how many of us voted for him?”

This created a pause and some snaps in the back. He then explained not just Biden’s role in the five-decades-long racist wars on crime/drugs and mass incarceration but explained how this was made possible through our class’s illusions in the so-called Civil Rights “wins” of former organizers turned Democratic Party politicians.

Across the U.S., from Atlanta to DC, Detroit to LA, these politicians became servants of the ruling class and supported the expansion and militarization of the police for decades as a solution to deindustrialization and racist unemployment. Cop City isn’t new, the comrade said; the ruling class and the liberal politicians are doubling down and tripling down on this decades-long fascist build-up. He explained how Chicago and Baltimore have already constructed Cop Cities.  

Voting is a dead end, fight for workers power: communism
In Los Angeles, where this comrade is from, the  entire city council voted to expand the  police size and budget, even though it already takes more than half the city budget and has long been home to the largest jail on the planet — despite the presence of the city’s first Black woman mayor, Karen Bass. So we shouldn’t be surprised when in Atlanta, the current Black mayor supports the destruction of forests so they can build a training center for urban warfare. Speaking in solidarity, the comrade  said, “We can’t continue to make the same mistakes,” referring to illusions that the bosses' state and politicians can ever serve our class interests. They’re arming themselves and terrorizing our class because they are preparing for world war and are afraid of our class.  From Gaza to Atlanta, we must arm ourselves with revolutionary communist class consciousness and turn the guns around on the bosses and their state.   

This speech was well received by the rally participants including two friends from LA in the crowd. Our APHA CHALLENGE was distributed and after the rally and silent protest, about two dozen joined us in a debrief where we further discussed our line in addition to planning for future efforts leading up to next year’s conference.