
Keep the ball rolling for sports integration

06 January 2024 344 hits

BROOKLYN, NY, January 2—The struggle continues two years after winning the fight to integrate two formerly separate sports programs on John Jay’s Campus–one with mostly white and Asian students and another of mostly Black and Brown students. Under capitalism, we are constantly reminded that a win under this system is just the beginning and even as communists we can never let our guard down or coast on reform victories.

For the second year in a row the fall start of sports programs on campus continued to be combined but not integrated–leading to teams filled with mostly white and Asian players. Self-critically, the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members in the school incorrectly focused on in-house fixes instead of making the struggle more mass and visible to bring together antiracist fighters in the building to fight back against these racist practices.

Inspired by a sharp antiracist flier written by PLP parents and others in 2017 that rocked the racist status quo and forced the Department of Education (DoE) to combine the sports teams, one school’s student government created and distributed hundreds of their fliers demanding that the sports teams on campus be truly integrated and that teams that do not look like the racial makeup of our campus not be allowed to compete. That flier will continue to be passed out in front of the school even as it spreads through students’ social media.
Invigorated by the mostly positive response of their peers, the students plan to convene a forum to attract more students to the fight and to discuss and plan for when their demands are not met.

Capitalism forces our youth to compete against each other, fostering artificial and racist divisions that they will later use to divide white, Black, and Latin workers so that all can be oppressed and exploited for profit. PLP members on campus are committed to building anti-racist and integrated teams on and off the court. Fighting to expand an ever-growing group of multiracial students, parents, and staff to take on the racist attacks capitalism will continue to throw at us, is the only way forward. The struggle continues!