
International Solidarity…to Smash Genocide

06 January 2024 335 hits

The following are letters from just some of the organizing against the imperialist genocide in Gaza. Are you organizing where you are? Tell us about it. Do you want to push past the limits of what the bosses have to offer? Push for communist ideas and join the International Progressive Labor Party!

HAITI, December 28—Progressive Labor Party (PLP) here in Haiti is organizing for our annual “Soupe de Solidarité” on New Year’s Day. It is a celebration of the successful fight in Haiti against slavery and colonization by the French slave masters. Before Jan. 1, 1804, soupe joumou (pumpkin soup) was reserved only for the slave masters and their minions; afterwards, the former slaves relished their soup, not only for its tastiness but as a reminder of their fight for justice against racism and slavery.

This year, we are dedicating our soup in class solidarity with the workers and students of Palestine—Gaza and the West Bank—who are facing a brutal genocide at the hands of their capitalist oppressors in Israel, and against those imperialist powers complicit in the brutality. We in Haiti know from bitter experience that capitalism and imperialism have created the conditions of poverty and despair—and an eagerness to fight back—that we both face.

We charge the imperialists, especially the U.S., Canada, and France, with sharing a bloody history of supporting Israeli bosses’ aggression and racism, much as they did and continue to do in Haiti. Just as the workers and students of Palestine are under occupation, so too will Haiti be, again, with the coming of U.N. troops from Kenya and other African countries (as if we should welcome oppressors in black skin), supposedly to be peacekeepers. Imperialism needs colonial violence; clearing the land of Indigenous peoples to make room for settlers; imposing and entrenching that land theft with police or military violence; stealing resources and the value of our labor, trying to normalize inequality, etc.

Our young comrades are taking the lead in organizing the day’s activities with their families, neighbors, and classmates. As we shop, cook, serve, and eat together, we will have yet another opportunity to discuss with them the need for international working-class solidarity to fight against all the misery that is baked into capitalism and imperialism in its eternal bloody quest for profits and control. We will talk about the need to reject nationalism as a response to this brutality; all our alliances must be with our class, not with the national bourgeoisie, who only want to maintain capitalism and become the masters themselves. And, most importantly, we will talk about the need to fight for communism, an egalitarian society that will serve the needs of workers and students everywhere, under the leadership of the PLP.    

PLP comrades took the lead in introducing a resolution at the November meeting of our transit union calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to military aid to Israel. It passed overwhelmingly! Later we used that resolution to bolster the fight for the reinstatement of teachers put on leave for pro-Palestinian posts in Maryland.
Progressive Labor Party members and friends in Mexico have participated in four demonstrations against the war in Palestine. In two of them we have carried flyers with the communist analysis of the situation in Gaza that have been published in CHALLENGE. One of those demonstrations was organized by the teachers of Oaxaca, where the party has been organized for decades, and there was a massive distribution. Our analysis is generally well received, but in the leadership of the protests a nationalist line predominates that supports Gaza without distinguishing the workers in Palestine and workers in Israel with the capitalist oppressors that run both the Israeli knesset (parliament), the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas in Palestine. For this reason, some workers receive our pro-international working-class position with reserve and criticism.
We have also held meetings in our collective to analyze the international situation and especially in Gaza, to improve our understanding and bring it to our base. We have had a couple of virtual meetings with colleagues from Colombia on the topic. Three weekends ago we had an activity in an industrial neighborhood with teachers and workers, in which the analysis of the party was presented, which was very well received and was linked to the situation that workers in Mexico are experiencing.

Though the actions our collective has taken have been small, they have led to the sharpening of our class’ understanding of capitalism, imperialism, and have deepened our solidarity with our brothers in other parts of the world. Each meeting helps us plant seeds for the future. Every worker we win to the Party brings us a step closer to building a communist world of social equality, where solidarity and collectivity prevail.                                                              

Brooklyn, NY, December 17—PLP comrades rallied in an immigrant community where we’ve been organizing for many years. We called for fightback against the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and for refugees, displaced people, and migrants all over the world. Despite the rain we distributed 300 leaflets and 200 CHALLENGEs to a receptive community.

The National Writers Union (NWU), a union of freelance media workers and authors, was the first national union in North America to make a public statement against the ethnic cleansing of Gaza by the State of Israel. PLP members have been active in NWU for some time. As of December 26, 2023, of the 1,200 Palestinian journalists and media workers based in Gaza at the start of the war, 102 have been killed. In solidarity with the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, NWU donated $10,000 to the International Federation of Journalists Safety Fund to provide journalists in Gaza and the West Bank with helmets, flak jackets, battery charges and more.

BOGOTÁ—There have been about 15 marches in Bogotá denouncing the U.S.-Israeli genocide and apartheid violence against workers in Palestine, most organized by anti-Zionist youth groups. There have been sit-ins at the Palestinian embassy as well as several conferences organized by the unions where the genocide of workers in Palestine has been exposed. Several groups of militant young people belonging to different groups are holding neighborhood rallies that expose the ongoing bloodshed in the Gaza Strip. My dad and other colleagues have been accompanying me. Some of these initiatives have lowered their intensity due to the holidays, but future sit-ins are being planned for the week after. We have been distributing CHALLENGE and raising the the party's line whenever  possible, explaining to workers that 75 years of imperialist occupation and its atrocities will never be resolved with the creation of a Palestinian state,as many of these collectives and revisionist groups call for, that is being pushed by the fake leftist Petro who openly supports the UN and its liberal policies in favor of a "more humane and regulated" war. We openly propose that war is a symptom of the degradation of the imperialist capitalist system. The only solution to genocide from Gaza to Sudan is a class war for communism. It is only when the capitalist, imperialist system is smashed that we can stop the endless cycle of war and bloodshed over imperialist competition for resources like oil.          

Clifton, December 28—Multiracial masses of workers and students across New Jersey continue to join the international working class in exposing capitalism for its profit-hungry genocide in Gaza and the racist poisoning of nationalism that protects it. On December 28, comrades from the Revolutionary Communist Progressive Labor Party joined about 80 other anti-racist fighters in protesting outside of military defense contractor L3Harris, in Clifton, NJ. Amid handing out CHALLENGE, when we asked workers at the L3Harris protest why this particular action was important and what role capitalism plays in connecting L3Harris to the genocide in Gaza, workers responded: “This company is making money from it! Look at workers across Canada. They have blocked this and other defense companies from shipping materials to Israel! This defense company has also helped militarize the U.S. border!”

Building comradery and trust over our common rage towards capitalist borders and genocide warmed us up to express to workers how nationalism is holding workers back from finally overthrowing capitalism. As a Jewish worker we met at another recent protest formulated, in this mass fightback fewer have trouble understanding the backwardness of Israeli nationalism. There it means the ruling class fearmongers Jewish workers into linking their own safety with the national interests of their bosses. This works to poison them with the idea that slaughtering Palestinian workers in Gaza and suppressing antiracist workers elsewhere is necessary.

When asked in return by a great young couple, what is the most revolutionary thing that needs to be said right now, we shared how the history of the 20th century reveals replacing one nationalism for another has kept capitalism alive. In other words, fighting for national liberation from a colonial or imperialist power has been insufficient. Fighting for the genocide of Palestinians to end on the basis of nationalist liberation allows a set of “progressive” bosses to use our uprising as workers to seize state power and continue benefiting from exploiting the working class within their borders.

Workers worldwide are looking to the Palestinian struggle for answers to our own fights against the same capitalist system. To establish a society that organizes the international working class to actively suppress the bosses’ exploitation and destroy it is a conclusion harder to make from this fight. We need to continue to do the life-long  work of building fightback side by side and expose the bosses’ contradictions that weaken their nationalist grip against a growing communist practice of working-class internationalism.

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ, December 31—Progressive Labor Party comrades and friends joined a weekly protest near our homes, in South Orange, NJ demanding a Ceasefire in Palestine/Israel. We continue to see this struggle draw folks to become more militant. There we responded to leadership from a woman supporting the protest and spontaneously shouting we needed to do more. We took her seriously and asked what she suggested. She responded: workers need to make their unions go on strike. We need to connect more what’s happening in Gaza with the lives of workers in the U.S. She was identifying with workers’ power! Therefore, we shared how electrifying it was to recently participate with a multiracial group of workers, locally and abroad, in directly confronting L3 Harris military defense bosses over the bloody profits they make from this slaughter. We encouraged her to share her ideas with the crowd. She ended up leading chants and speaking a couple of times. In return for being inspired by one of us she vouched for us to give a speech. Here’s an excerpt:
“…the L3Harris action demonstrates another way workers can directly confront regional bosses over the limits of their genocidal system at the physical doorsteps where they produce their profits. We need to also see this as an exercise in challenging their power over the state and spread this idea for more workers to seize its potential…From local municipalities all the way to the federal level “progressive” politicians have allowed fascist resolutions attacking antiracist workers or have betrayed measures against genocide vowing down to their U.S. ruling class masters and Zionist interests. The current fightback in nearby West Orange shows this…Therefore, we need to make challenging the bosses over their state power primary over putting our confidence in any politician…The more we do this the more we can see a massive multiracial working class united against racism and imperialism is what fascists need to be afraid of, not the other way around.”

Many workers took CHALLENGE and leaflets explaining how the history of nationalism in Palestine/Israel has contributed to the latest atrocities. We received encouragement from workers to say more!
Learning to challenge the bosses’ control over their states in the fight against genocide now, will build our confidence to finally rip power from their hands once and for all and fight for a world where workers rule without money, racist divisions, nations, and genocide – that’s communism!