
East Africa: Hell to Zionist ideology, long live working-class unity

21 January 2024 376 hits

EAST AFRICA, January 12—On this day when East Africa celebrates the Zanzibar Revolution of 1964, Progressive Labor Party (PLP) held a meeting of young students and teachers to discuss the genocide in Gaza and how we can fight against this imperialist oppression that is killing innocent children and women and disrupting the day-to-day life of millions of people.

Many participants who are religious Christians were defending Israel’s killing of Palestinians because the Bible says Israel is a holy state given to the Jews by God. We presented the real history behind this war as the product of capitalist expansion, and we exposed U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s role in continuing the Nakba of 1948 when the October 7th ethnic cleansing campaign to decimate Palestinians began. We also exposed the religious ideology as a tool of capitalists to maintain their interests and disunite workers.

We watched different revolutionary movies about why Zanzibar had a bloody revolution in 1964 and about Marxist Thomas Sankara (the Upright Man), former president of Burkina Faso. Under his leadership, the rate of literacy there increased from 13 percent in 1983 to 73 percent in 1987. We discussed that only by making a revolution with a mass working-class movement can we win the struggle against all false ideas and the humiliation by imperialists against other states and societies in the world. If we build a strong movement led by PLP to fight for a communist society we can win our struggle and form one society in the world with no racism, gender inequality, or nationalist fighting as is happening in Gaza and Sudan. Only by achieving communism can we build a new international peace.