
L.A. rally raps zionist butchers

21 January 2024 328 hits

LOS ANGELES, January 7- “Joe Biden, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide”; “If we don’t get it (an immediate ceasefire), shut it down.” These and other chants rang through the air as 150 mainly young Palestinian demonstrators and supporters rallied in front of the Israeli Consulate in LA. and they condemned the Zionist regime’s genocide in Gaza. The demonstrators then took to the streets and partially shut down traffic on Wilshire Boulevard.

Progressive Labor Party members joined the rally and march and held signs saying “Arab, Jewish, Black, Brown, White; Workers of the World Unite.” The nationalist leadership of the action focused on demands for a ceasefire and to “Free Palestine.” Our comrades distributed 50 flyers with the editorial from the current CHALLENGE newspaper which exposes the danger of wider wars in this oil-soaked tinderbox of the world and calls for international working class unity against imperialist wars for profit and against all forms of nationalism.
Our group here is struggling to become more involved in the fledgling, but growing, anti-war movement that has taken root in the U.S. and around the world.

An upcoming meeting will discuss how we can deepen our commitment to the Party, and bring our communist politics to the masses of people who have taken to the streets in the last three months.