

27 April 2024 782 hits


To celebrate the occasion of May 1, International Workers Day,Progressive Labor Party members in Colombia extend a warm and solidarity-filled greeting to our brothers and sisters of the international working class and in Colombia. This May Day we reaffirm our commitment to distributing CHALLENGE and  that our newspaper will always be the workers’ platform to spread our struggles, unmask our capitalist and imperialist oppressors and their political spokespeople, and be the first line of defense of our class. 
In the heart of the neighborhood, student, peasant, anti-imperialist, and anti-fascist struggle in Colombia, we send a revolutionary greeting to the workers of the world on their day of struggle, organization, and honor, continuing the fight for a better world. We recommit to the fight to steer our class towards a revolutionary communist horizon led by the Progressive Labor Party (PLP). 

We see that not a day goes by without the news reporting on the turbulent times we live in: bloody battles in the war in Ukraine, the collapse of mega banks like Credit Suisse and Silicon Valley, threats of nuclear war, saber-rattling between the U.S., Russian and Chinese imperialists who want to carve up the world, the volatility in the Middle East, World War III, the constant increase in inflation, a worsening of unemployment, racism, and poverty, thousands of migrants dead at the entrances to Europe and the United States in their desperate search for a better life and the dizzying growth of budgets and militaries of all world powers. All these problems are illustrative of the perpetual crisis of this capitalist system.

Faced with this bosses' onslaught, the workers of the world are organizing to respond to oppression by strengthening the struggles of farm workers in Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, by gigantic demonstrations in France, Germany, and Belgium, and by the fierce struggle of the workers in Palestine, among many other forms of militant fightback in the countryside and the city.
In a forum of the National Coordinator for Change, 23 associations, mostly fake left Social Democrats, raised the question: What to do in the face of the current crisis? To which the audience was unable to make proposals, demonstrating the urgency of political work to raise awareness among the working class. We distributed CHALLENGE and had several conversations, putting forth our revolutionary communist politics.

In a popular assembly in Soacha, a municipality near Bogotá, workers raised the need to achieve improvements in public services due to the high cost and hope for “solutions” with the new mayor recently elected. Our comrade presented a communist political analysis, raising awareness among workers about the importance of overcoming reformism and building international class unity.
Militant workers, PL’ers, and friends of the Party participate in the demonstrations and rallies against the imperialist wars in Ukraine and Palestine and in the fights against the sexist attacks against the working class, and the worsening of the crisis of capitalism at the national level. As the only alternative to achieve these changes, we always put forth a communist solution. To that end, we’ve been distributing CHALLENGE flyers supporting these struggles while agitating that we must fight for real change, for international communist revolution.
One of the goals of the PLP is the growth of the Party, qualitatively and quantitatively, to be able to lead our class and put an end to capitalist oppression. Why do we fight for communism? It is not just a question, but rather the only solution that we must tirelessly strive towards as we fight to win future comrades among our class brothers and sisters.


The Progressive Labor Party (PLP) in Mexico sends a solidarity-filled and militant international greeting!
As fascism advances and the threat of imperialist war increases, our class resists, fights, and organizes itself to face racist and nationalist attacks. The working class will always respond to the call to fight. That's why our role as communist organizers is vital in maintaining the flame of the communist revolution amid the class struggle.

The PLP collective in Mexico is organized to participate in the commemoration of May Day, to turn it into a revolutionary, international, and communist celebration. We will bring our slogans, banners, and literature to the thousands of workers who will demonstrate in two cities of the country. We will march hand in hand with them and with all the workers of the world as one class. We wish you a communist and revolutionary May Day. Long live, long live, long live communism! Let it die, let it die, let capitalism die! The working class has no borders!


As we stand on the eve of May Day 2024, we honor the struggles and triumphs of the working class. We recognize the sacrifices made and the battles won in the fight for fair wages, safe conditions, and dignity. We stand in solidarity with the workers who built our communities, served our families, and kept the world afloat. We acknowledge the injustices still faced and the struggles still waged. And we recommit to standing together, united in the pursuit of a world where labor is valued, respected, and empowered. Solidarity forever! Workers of Pakistan, united and resolute, extend our solidarity to the international working class in the unwavering struggle for communism. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters across the globe, sharing a common dream of a communist world where exploitation and oppression cease to exist. From the factories of Karachi to the fields of Punjab to the coal mines in Pukhtoonkhawa & Balouchistan, we appreciate the universal struggle against capitalist tyranny and imperialist dominance. Our collective voice echoes the rallying cry: 'Workers of the world unite!' We will continue to organize, resist, and fight for a world where the means of production are owned by the people, not the profiteers. Long live international solidarity! Long live the communist revolution! Long live the International Revolutionary Communist Party...Progressive Labor Party.