
Educators organize vs. genocide-complicit NEA

02 August 2024 403 hits

July 3, 2024, Philadelphia, PA—Progressive Labor Party (PLP) members and friends joined other members of the National Education Association (NEA), for their annual convention. On the agenda were several new business items (NBIs) related to Palestine that education workers have been fighting for including specifically teaching about the Nakba and genocide, undoing the NEA's endorsement of Genocide Joe Biden for president, building solidarity between education workers and anti-genocide protesters, and calling for more funding for education instead of war. 

We have been struggling against war budgets in one district where they were underfunded by $55 million but managed to contribute more than $400 million for nuclear weapons to weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin. Then the district laid off teachers, closed its virtual academy, and cut back pre-kindergarten programs. Just another example of the priorities of capitalism to fund profit and imperialist wars over educating working class children. PLP linked their local struggles to the struggle against capitalism which can only be destroyed by organizing workers for a communist revolution.

Rally against genocide

To kick-off the convention, attendees organized a rally and march in support of the NBIs and against the genocide in Palestine. The rally was inspirational and energetic. The multiracial group of educators held signs, flags and wore keffiyehs in support of the proposed NBIs. Zionists staged a counter-rally a mere 50 feet from us, where they were (of course) protected by the police. At our rally, each NBI proposer came to the microphone to explain the rationale and importance of their proposal to cheers and applause. Jewish teachers spoke passionately about their support for the end of the genocide. A PLP member spoke about attempting to pass a ceasefire resolution in their local union that was ruled “out of order”(CHALLENGE,3/16). When they denounced capitalism and made the call for the working class to break free and create a new life, where we would all get what we need, the crowd applauded and shouted words of support. 

As the Zionist counter protests became louder, the speaker yelled at them to shut up! Our group showed that we were unafraid and ready to fight back. They ended the speech with the chant “Arab, Jewish, Black, white, Latin, and Asian - to free Palestine and all nations we must unite!” Other PLP members distributed about 30 CHALLENGES headlined “Communism is Liberation.” A leaflet also detailed the demands of teachers who are fighting back against false charges of antisemitism because of their support for Palestine and criticism of the U.S. and Israel's role in the genocide.

After a few more teachers spoke, it was time to march! The multiracial, multi-generational group of educators marched enthusiastically through the streets of Philadelphia chanting, “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel's crimes!” and “Not another penny, not another quarter, no more money for Israel's slaughter.” At the park, we engaged in more chants and then heard from teachers who have been experiencing repercussions for speaking out against the war. One teacher's students created a podcast to discuss the genocide in Gaza and, despite being approved by the administration, another teacher leaked the students’ photos and address to dangerous Zionist groups. Two more teachers talked about their experiences of being placed on administrative leave for speaking or posting in support of Palestine and against the ruling class of Israel and the IDF.

Convention canceled

Fortunately, the conference did not go on as planned; it was shut down  by the workers who make the NEA, and the imperialist system it defends run, so none of the NBIs were debated. Conferences like these provide an opportunity to advocate for our class siblings in Palestine, and also to meet and befriend more educators who are interested in good causes and with whom we can discuss alternatives to capitalism.

We need to continue to bring our message of antiracist, working-class solidarity and class war against the capitalists. A united working class is an unstoppable force that can truly make a change. Joining the PLP is the way to create worker unity and topple capitalism once and for all! Power to the working class! Join us!