
Editorial: Big rulers’ desperation leads to Big Facist Harris

02 August 2024 1104 hits

On July 21, the big money behind the Democratic Party finally dragged Genocide Joe Biden off the election stage. The Big Fascists of finance capital were forced to act after a disastrous debate performance made it undeniable that Donald Trump and the isolationist Small Fascists behind him were poised to steamroll Biden in the fall and possibly sweep both houses of Congress. A second term for Donald Trump poses a clear threat to the main wing rulers’ interests, from Ukraine and NATO to their project to draft a multiracial, patriotic military for the runup to World War III. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

With the clock ticking, the Big Fascists and their politician lackeys rallied around Vice President KKKamala Harris. But while the liberal bosses are trying to sell this 11th-hour switch as a fresh jolt of anti-Trump energy, and Harris has a better shot than the doddering old man she’s replacing, it won’t fundamentally change the dangers facing the international working class—or the opportunities to build a mass communist movement in this unstable period.

Regardless of which capitalist monster prevails in November, one thing is certain: Workers will lose. Trump has built his brand on white nationalism and racist grievance, while Harris has her own shameful history of virulent attacks against Black and Brown workers. The international crisis of capitalism will keep driving the world toward war and fascism. No election can change that. For workers, the only solution is communist revolution!

The failure of finance capital

The Big Fascist rulers are backed by the largest multinational banks—Chase, Bank of America, Citi—as well as the big auto and airline bosses, Wall Street powers like Goldman Sachs, and the largest tech bosses, including Google and Microsoft. Harris also has the lion’s share of U.S. billionaires on her side, including Melinda French Gates, Blackstone’s Jonathan Gray, and George Soros (Forbes, 7/30). For the last thirty years and more, this camp has overseen the decline of U.S. capitalism, a loss of control over the oil-rich Middle East, and the rise of the Chinese ruling class. In response, they have devastated workers in the U.S. and around the world. 

The U.S. has decayed into a deindustrialized shell with the disgustingly ultra-wealthy on the one hand and low-wage workers with rotten health care and terrible education on the other. From Democrats like Biden and Obama to main wing Republicans like the Bushes, the presidents backed by finance capital have helped steer U.S. imperialism to the brink of collapse while killing millions in one failed war after the next. Bosses around the world are turning to protectionist tariffs and trade wars, exorbitant military buildups, and volatile shifting alliances. From the U.S. to Europe, hyper-nationalist Small Fascists are building openly fascist mass movements on the backs of the liberal bosses’ failed promises.

Kamala Harris: front woman for rising fascism

The fall of U.S. finance capital was inevitable. The die was cast when the rulers’ headlong pursuit of maximum profit led to massive deindustrialization, the loss of 30 million stable, decent-paying jobs, and extreme racist inequality. Hence the devastation of the U.S. working class, Trump’s isolationism and gutter racist scapegoating, and a violent split within the U.S. ruling class.

The Big Fascist bosses have punched back with intensified racism and their own appeals to U.S. nationalism, a precursor to war and fascist repression. As their loyal front woman, Harris has backed Israeli genocide in Gaza bomb by bomb. When mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu came to address the U.S. Congress, Harris met with him personally while denouncing anti-war protesters. As Biden’s point person to brutally lock down the U.S. border with Mexico, she has worked to triple the number of jailed migrants and fuel the growth of a huge private prison industry. She may be less confused than Biden, but she is no less vicious.

Previously, as San Francisco’s district attorney and California’s attorney general, Harris bears direct responsibility for helping to fill the country’s overcrowded jails, protect kkkiller cops, and keep workers incarcerated with false evidence while denying parole to those held for minor crimes (Miami Herald, 10/28/2020). She concealed wrongdoing by prosecutors under her charge (New York Times, 1/17/2019). She has destroyed countless Black and Brown families whose husbands and fathers are wrongfully imprisoned. With her track record for thwarting independent investigations of police shootings, it may be no coincidence that the number of people killed by cops—disproportionately Black workers—has risen each year of the Biden-Harris administration (

The Harris legacy can be seen in the brutal July 6 police murder of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman, in her own home in Illinois. We know what happened there only because of the cop’s body camera—another reform Harris fought against.

Don’t vote, revolt!

No matter what the Democrats say, the coming U.S. election isn’t a choice between fascism and liberal democracy, where the bosses’ dictatorship is veiled by “free” elections and other phony freedoms. No matter who wins, the future of U.S. capitalism is fascism—the bosses will have no choice.  Whether it’s Trump or Harris, the next U.S. president will be up against the rising dominance of Chinese industry, the erosion of the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and a global debt bubble ready to pop. Possibly sooner than later, the bosses will decide they can no longer govern in the old way. The velvet glove will come off their iron fist.

For the working class, the real choice is between fascism and communist revolution. We know that both Democrats and Republicans will keep backing the slaughter in Gaza and the West Bank, and more genocides to come. Both will keep siccing their killer cops on Black workers and youth. There is no lesser evil on November’s ballot—only evil. Don’t vote, revolt! Fight for communism!

Information Box-Collapsing capitalist democracy: a symptom of rising fascism

One sign of growing fascism is the collapse of the backbone of liberal democracy: ruling class institutions. In fact, the finance capital Big Fascists have themselves wrecked these institutions. According to Wikileaks, they pushed for Trump to be the Republican nominee in 2016 because they saw him as the weakest opponent for Hillary Clinton—a strategy that backfired (The Observer, 10/10/2016). Then the Big Fascists denounced their own electoral system for having been rigged by the Russians. When Trump hijacked the Supreme Court with Small Fascist appointees, the main wing denounced the Court as corrupt. In two failed attempts to oust Trump as president, they denounced the presidency and impeached him. Then they denounced the head of the Senate for Trump’s acquittal; now they’ve denounced the leadership of the House. With finance capital’s chaos and decay opening the door to the Small Fascists fronted by Trump, the bosses’ institutions have credibility only for the side that runs them at the moment. Fascism is all that’s left to hold the rotten capitalist system together. Both Harris and Trump are ready and willing to help build it.