
Netanyahu-Harris-Biden: We Charge You with Genocide!

15 August 2024 432 hits

July 24, Washington DC —“[Benjamin] Netanyahu, you can’t hide, you’re committing genocide” was one of many angry chants directed at the fascist mass murderer during his trip to Washington D.C. to address Congress and seek continued financial support for his racist slaughter in Palestine. 

Students and workers from around the country gathered at 2nd and Constitution Avenues and marched on the Capitol while many others blocked streets, forcing his U.S. imperialist handlers to divert his entourage. To no surprise, butcher Netanyahu spent his visit spewing lies about Gaza's death toll and  calling criticism of Israel “Hamas propaganda” (Anadolu Agency, 7/25).

Protestors at Union Station burned a large Netanyahu puppet along with the U.S. flag that represents U.S. ruling class complicity in genocide. Police responded with arrests and attacked the Capitol marchers with pepper spray. 

Israel and Hamas dead ends for workers 

A small Progressive Labor Party (PLP) contingent and friends  joined thousands in the rally at the Capitol to demand an end to financial and military support for Israel. We also challenged the idea of a two-state solution and support for Hamas. Communists fight for multiracial, multiethnic unity and a communist world of equality, not new capitalist nations. Hamas has exploited Palestinian workers and will continue to do so if a peace agreement creates a new nation for them. 

On the eve of Netanyahu’s visit hundreds of young members of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) occupied the Cannon Office Building and were arrested. Jewish-Palestinian worker unity is possible! 

The imperialists in the U.S. and European Union (EU) prefer to keep workers divided by race, religion, and nationality and use both mainstream and social media to lie about Zionism's blood soaked past: executing countless Palestinian  workers, farmers, and students.

Building communist movement to bury this genocide system

At the rally we distributed hundreds of flyers and CHALLENGEs. We called for support for local  teachers and students under attack for speaking out against the genocide in Gaza. Our attack on nationalism was well received by our friends from Iran who describe their country as fascist. Many marchers were open to taking communist literature with interest and enthusiasm. We met new friends interested in communist ideas and reconnected with teachers, neighbors and public health activists that we have been organizing with since October 7. 

Many of the speakers at the rally supported Hamas and called for a ceasefire and a two-state solution. Others we have worked with attacked the racist police in D.C. for their treatment of Black residents. Students from the George Washington Encampment attacked the capitalist state in a rousing speech. 

Our organizing efforts must continue to reach out to workers such as the members in transit (ATU Local 689) who have passed ceasefire resolutions but rarely join in these demonstrations. Their strength could shut down the city and raise the struggle to a new level and bring us closer to state power.  International communist revolution remains the only way to stop fascists like Netanyahu, widening wars, and the capitalist bloodsuckers who are behind both fascist and liberal politicians.