
Build solidarity with migrant neighbors

29 November 2024 342 hits

The following article is a reprint of a leaflet was written by PL’ers in the Mutual Aid and Community Organization Club and was distributed in large numbers at the Immigrant Rights March, which was featured on the front page of CHALLENGE in the 11/27 issue. The leaflet sums up the politics need to build a communist movement to smash this increasingly fascist system and is useful for talking to workers and friends in our organizing work.

The PLP Mutual Aid Club has been actively building solidarity with migrant workers, organizing clothing drives and donation drop-offs in collaboration with community groups at Floyd Bennett Field. This former airplane hangar has been converted into a shelter, but it more closely resembles a concentration camp, where hundreds of migrant workers are subjected to horrific living conditions.
In the face of attacks from liberal fascist NYC Mayor Eric Adams and Donald Trump against migrant workers, our efforts have stood as a beacon of hope and support. Many workers are forced to sleep on cots in freezing tents, exposed to the harsh elements, with little privacy or access to basic resources. 

At a recent clothing drive PL’ers brought donations and friends that lent a helping hand to our migrant siblings Floyd Bennett field. In addition to sharing hot cocoa, coffee on this cold fall day, along with resource flyers, we brought our communist politics and smiles to the faces of dozens of working class migrant families, many fleeing from Haiti, Venezuela, Ecudaor, and many parts of Latin America who gratefully took donations and CHALLENGE. Look out for an article in the future issue of CHALLENGE.

All workers around the world are working harder than ever and are getting less and less of the value of our labor while the ruling classes rake in massive profits. We are robbed of our time and wages. Inflation and state sponsored violence is killing us and forcing us to leave our homes. The situation in the U.S. is getting more dire by the minute. Millions of working people cannot afford to put food on the table or  get medical care. Many more are one paycheck away from being homeless. Capitalism is threatening to turn us all into climate refugees.

When workers are misled by racist rhetoric against our asylum-seeking siblings we forget one important detail: Capitalists (the profit making exploiter class) and their politicians  don't care about any of our lives; we are cheap and disposable to them. Today, it is our migrant, asylum seeking class siblings. Tomorrow, it could be you and your family who are forced to flee the U.S. because of war, climate, or economic crisis. We are one world, one international class. Borders are artificial lines written with the blood of our class.The ruling class uses national borders to control their profits and take ownership of our labor. 

The rulers put up their deadly border walls and guards to keep workers out, but the borders are always porous for weapons, money, and drugs. Imperialist bosses and their militaries know no borders and neither should we. When capitalist disasters or violence strikes it is we who always have each other’s back, not the government or our bosses. We care for and defend our class with mutual aid, antiracist, antisexist fightback, solidarity, and unity. 

Progressive Labor Party has been supporting Mutual Aid efforts in Floyd Bennett Field called Welcome Migrants. These are the seeds we need to build a better world—a communist world where workers own and control all the fruits of our labor and can solve the world’s problems without money or racist and sexist bosses. In a communist world workers will be free to move and receive the benefits of society from each according to need. Together, we could smash these lethal borders once and for all. Join us! 

It’s not just Klansman Trump or Holocaust Harris, it’s capitalism

Trump winning the presidency is a scary thing —for his divisive gutter racism and attacks on women’s health, for his threat to deport millions of migrating workers and the list goes on. His motto is drill baby, drill and get the migrants out of here so “America is Great Again.” He plans to force Medicaid recipients, many disabled, to work or die. Even so, Kamala Harris' presidency would have been a greater danger to our class. She has shown her true colors in her unwavering support for fascist Israel and the bloodbath in Ukraine, in her embrace of concentration camps at the Mexican border, in her stated pride that the U.S. is producing more oil and gas than ever before. She is ready and willing to sign on the dotted line for World War III.

Don’t mourn Trump, fight back and defend each other

For the millions of workers duped into voting for Harris or Trump, millions more rejected an unhinged racist, open fascist and a covert genocidal fascist Harris. We don’t deny another Trump presidency is depressing, but we are more powerful when we unite and fight back against our common enemy. We must raise the consciousness of those who voted for Harris, and of those who will soon regret voting for Trump, and rebuild the only movement proven to stop the advance fascism— the revolutionary communist movement— and break the chains that bind us once and for all. Join Progressive Labor Party!