
Party celebrates Bolshevik Revolution

13 December 2024 376 hits

CHICAGO, November 16 - “I will build for revolution by fighting racism.” “I will build for revolution by fighting for unions to be led by communists.” These were a couple of the pledges that workers shared during the conclusion of our annual Bolshevik Revolution celebration this evening in a local fieldhouse. This event celebrated the first time in history where workers, with communist leadership, seized state power from the capitalist class in the year 1917. Its monumental impact spread far and wide, as other workers around the world were inspired to rise up and fight back. We are still seeing the inspiration and power of the Bolshevik Revolution today and carry on its revolutionary fight through the international communist Progressive Labor Party (PLP). 

Revolutionary lessons, past and present

It was an inspiring program, kicked off with a comrade reading the classic poem “Good Morning, Revolution” from communist artist Langston Hughes. Next came a skit where Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin was transported to the present day to offer advice to youth on the daily work and discipline needed to build the mass movement for revolution.

We heard about historical class struggle inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution, including when soldiers refused to continue fighting for the German imperialists as well as an uprising by workers in Egypt that won them independence from British colonial rule. There were enthusiastic table discussions about inspiring collective action that workers had taken part in. Young workers who happened to be passing through the fieldhouse after a nearby event even stopped to check out the program, liking what they heard!

Workers come together for fightback 

Comrades who have been facing censorship in the American Public Health Association for speaking out about the genocide in Gaza did a report back on their bold action during this this year’s conference (see CHALLENGE, 11/27). Led by comrades from the PLP, workers from across the country organized to protest outside the convention and march through the convention hall. Other workers who happened to be in the hall were inspired to join the march. Workers are ready to join a movement that will fight back. These comrades showed our fellow workers that following the bosses’ rules will never achieve anything meaningful and the importance of banding together with other workers.

With attacks on workers from all sides and the ruling class moving us closer to an imperialist war, the lessons of the Bolshevik Revolution and knowing what workers taking state power can accomplish are more important than ever. In their keynote speech, a veteran PL’er offered wisdom and inspiration:

“I want to focus on the beauty of revolution. Many times we think about death, destruction, misery, or pain and yes, that’s a part of it but it’s what we do it for. Why would we go through such a thing and the Bolshevik Revolution showed us. The aftermath of that revolution showed us what a glimpse of what the world could be if the working class was in power under communist principles and leadership.”

“Women were given the right to divorce. Racism was outlawed in the Soviet Union. They created new art forms to promote pro working-class culture. The Bolsheviks focused on unifying the workers. We have to commit ourselves to rebuilding the only movement that can get our class free, a communist movement, a movement led by Progressive Labor Party that will get our class liberated from the terror, from the genocide, from the racism, from the sexism of global capitalism. The capitalists are taking our world to hell in a handbasket and there is not a lesser evil. That means we have to commit ourselves to be the alternative. We have to join Progressive Labor Party if we are not in it yet and if you are in it, we have to recommit ourselves to building an army to take state power once again, so that our class can once again experience the beauty of communist revolution.” 

Communist culture inspires the masses

We capped off our celebration by singing the communist anthem “The Internationale,” which got the multiracial crowd of workers and youth on their feet. While the racist bosses want to spread fear and division among the international working class, we communists want to spread revolutionary culture that motivates the masses to unite, stand up and fight back – Join us!