
Curriculum gets F: Education, not indoctrination

28 March 2025 61 hits

NEW YORK, April 1—As the struggle against the New York City school's new, mandated curriculum continues, teachers are pushing back with leadership from Progressive Labor Party (PLP). A teacher who refused to teach the mandated lesson plan has been punished with a disciplinary letter in their file. 

Communists know that the purpose of education under capitalism is to prepare docile and willing workers and soldiers to serve the needs of capitalism. These prefabricated lessons are designed by corporations and teachers who push the racist, sexist ideologies the bosses need to teach. Whereas, communist teachers use the classroom to interrupt the bosses’ ideological production, interjecting communist ideas, and building PLP and for a communist revolution that will one day bury capitalism once and for all.

Teacher goals: Become ungovernable 

When the other teachers found out that the insubordination charge came from the lie that the entire department wanted to use the mandated curriculum, they fought back. They took over a professional development meeting designed to discuss the curriculum and turned it into a restorative justice circle. This left the Assistant Principal (AP) sitting in silence as the teachers aired their grievances over the disciplinary action and other attacks.

During the meeting several teachers said they see students as future workers, that this is a workers' fight, and that fascism is growing. They also pointed out that their compliance with the bosses' request does not mean they agree with discipline against teachers who are fighting back. A PL’er pointed out the curriculum’s racism and sexism. They also reinforced the class nature of the disagreement, reminding everyone that the AP is their boss and teachers are struggling to keep their jobs to survive.

Another attack on the teachers was the AP's decision to lock part of the English office. This is where there is a working window, a microwave, and a refrigerator. The teachers rightly called the AP out for individualism and selfishness in taking over a shared space for her own personal use. Despite these disagreements, the AP agreed to have teachers lead more department meetings which shows workers' ability to lead without bosses interference.

Expanding the struggle

The next day organizing continued as teachers, including PL’ers, met to plan the next stage of the fight back. There was a thorough evaluation of where all the teachers in the department stood in their support or opposition to the new curriculum and their history of struggle in the past. A critical mass of teachers was determined to be ready to act and advance the fight with the help of the Chapter Leader (CL) of the union.

While many teachers were on the side of fighting against the new curriculum, some were upset that they were being pushed into a conflict they did not agree to. They were satisfied with only having to use the curriculum for one unit a semester. One teacher even expressed dismay at the teachers' disagreement with the AP, feeling that they were ganging up on her. It is important to understand that the AP is the boss and workers need to unite and fight together to repel the bosses' attacks. In the end, everyone agreed with the majority to escalate the struggle and it led to a new teacher joining and meeting with PLP.

Despite the union leadership promising to request that the principal remove the disciplinary letter from the teacher's file, the CL and PL’er were skeptical that they would follow through. So far they have not and they seem to be selling out the teachers as they negotiate with the chancellor.

This curriculum struggle by PLP focusing on meeting student's needs and academic freedom for teachers is in opposition to the union's plans. 

The union leadership does not want to demand academic freedom or more teachers in the classroom. Instead they want teacher centers in each school to ensure that teachers will teach the new curriculum correctly. That way both the union and the chancellor will have spies to report on dissenters.

Teachers cannot rely on union hacks to fight our battles. The real victory comes from mobilizing the department and others to resist the bosses' attacks on teachers and students. Organizing collectively can help students and teachers realize their revolutionary power. The struggle continues.