
Ignore Nazis? No, Attack Them Head-on

11 June 2010 138 hits

GETTYSBURG, PA — The Neo-Nazi Aryan Nations are planning a rally here June 19, to try to recruit to their extremely racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic fascism.

The local YWCA is planning a “celebration of diversity,” to pull people away from attacking the Aryan Nations, saying it is better to not call attention to them. But PLP knows from decades of experience fighting groups such as the Aryan Nations and the KKK that the only way to defeat them is to attack them head-on. PLP has a long and successful history of smashing the ruling class’ thugs.

The Gettysburg Police Department (GPD) has already announced that they will be providing security for the Aryan Nations, at a high cost to local taxpayers. In addition “the majority of everything involved is going to be taken care of by the National Park Service,” said Chief Dougherty [of the GPD], adding that federally-trained officers are attending the event.

The ruling class will always send their cops to protect racist groups’ rallies. Racism is a necessity of capitalism, needed to break working-class unity and keep all workers’ wages lower. The bosses and politicians are the biggest perpetrators and benefactors of racism.

PLP will always confront and smash Nazis and fascists in the streets, and will be in Gettysburg to show that the working class cannot ignore an attack on black, Latino and immigrant workers.

Ultimately, the only way to end both the racism inherent in capitalism and to smash these gutter racists is to fight for multi-racial working-class unity. Join PLP in Gettysburg, and build the anti-racist fight for communist revolution. J