
Students Walk Out Over Cuts; School Bosses Go Ballistic

11 June 2010 148 hits

NEW YORK CITY, June 2 — “Fight the budget cuts” shouted high school students from all around the city as they walked out of their schools. Student PL’ers helped to organize the protests as the multi-racial group of students gathered at Union Square Park and protested.

These protests are a start to fight back against the racist budget cuts that both students and their parents face in the city. Students fighting to protect their teachers’ jobs and their needs caused the school administration to go ballistic. The true face of a boss was revealed as a Principal from a local school followed the students to Union Square and threatened to suspend them all. Some students were rounded up and are now being investigated to see who the leaders are.

It is doubtful that these walkouts could have occurred without Party leadership. This is an important struggle that students in NYC are currently engaged in, as they are using their power to shut down capitalism’s ideological factory. These protests must become schools for communism that build PLP if we are to destroy the source of these racist budget cuts. J