
D.C. Rally: PL’s Red Line Antidote to Liberal Rulers’ Poison

09 October 2010 65 hits

WASHINGTON, D.C., October 3 — This past weekend the liberal wing of the ruling class tried their best to motivate its base to elect Democrats on November 2. The PLP joined thousands of other workers at the Lincoln Memorial to expose the dead-end politics of voting and to spread the revolutionary communist ideas crucial to fighting the endless attacks workers have been facing. On the buses going to and from the rally and at the rally itself, PL members distributed over 7000 issues of CHALLENGE while making many new friends.

The event, entitled, “One Nation Working Together,” was an attempt by the liberal rulers to rally their base. Through various unions — the UAW, CWA, AFSCME and SEIU 1199 — they had hoped, for a number of different reasons, to bring hundreds of thousands to Washington.

In the long term, the bosses are working to convince millions of workers to fight and die in their imperialist wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. As their situation deteriorates, the capitalists here know they’ll need a much more disciplined work-force than they’ve got now.

In the short term, this liberal ruling-class wing hopes to win workers to support the Democrats in the November 2 elections. With the recent Republican primary victories of Tea Party candidates in Delaware, New York and Kentucky as well as the “Restoring Honor Rally” led by right-wing commentator Glenn Beck, the liberals are worried that the energy from the 2008 Presidential election has temporarily run out of steam.

In a NY Times article (9/17) titled “Unions Find Members Slow to Rally Behind Democrats,” labor columnist Steve Greenhouse warns about the Democrats’ inability to energize rank-and-file workers to support their local politicians: “Union leaders themselves say that their efforts may not be enough because union members, like other important parts of the Democratic base, are not feeling particularly enthusiastic about the party.”

Who can really blame them? Unemployment and underemployment has passed 30 million; 21% are either jobless or can’t find full-time jobs. The rates are double for black workers and 40% to 50% for youth, depending on the region. Meanwhile, wages, pensions and benefits are being slashed, causing many workers to feel betrayed by the same politicians they campaigned for door-to-door just two years ago.

This was evident in the weeks leading up to the October 2 rally. Unions, in trying to win rank-and-file members to go to D.C., were literally bribing them with free bus rides, clothing and lunch. PLP members on those buses were working to seize an opportunity to win workers towards a communist revolutionary line.

On the bus rides heading to the rally, many PL’ers detailed the attacks workers are experiencing. Contrary to the “alternatives” advocated by the rally’s organizers, PL speakers advanced international working-class unity, fighting back militantly against the bosses and the importance of revolutionary communist ideas. They inspired many riders, who also bought copies of CHALLENGE.

At the Lincoln Memorial, PL’ers led marches and chants through the crowd, with many high school students leading the way, receiving a warm reception from those in attendance. One worker, a CWA member, said, “You know, I’m not a communist. I always voted for the Democrats. But as I see more and more taken from me and the Democrats not doing much about it….Hell, the union isn’t even doing much about it, [so] your idea doesn’t seem that crazy.” He then gave $5 for a copy of CHALLENGE.

Ultimately, the event revealed both the strengths and weaknesses of the liberal section of the ruling class. While there are still signs that the Democrats are unable to energize the workers to support them, they definitely control the organizations that can mobilize many workers and students.

There might not be a lot of workers organizing for them, but there is still only a small section of the working class ready to fight back against the bosses. The bosses’ lieutenants in the unions and community groups have done their job in keeping the working class passive in times of incredible attacks.

But if this rally revealed anything, it’s that workers with pro-worker leadership, are willing to fight back and are upset with their current conditions. It’s PLP’s responsibility to give leadership to these workers, not only through the distribution of CHALLENGE, but also by fighting side-by-side with them. Over time, many workers will see that communist revolution is the only solution.

However, as we’ve always said about the class struggle, “You gotta be in it to win it.”