
MEXICO: ‘Communism is the Future of Humanity!’

12 May 2011 44 hits

Fifty members, friends of the Progressive Labor Party lifted the communist flag during the demonstrations commemorating May Day in Oaxaca and Mexico City . We distributed about 7,000 local CHALLENGES and hung up about 200 posters, in which we called for the international unity of the working class and for workers to join the Party to fight for a communist society.

The communist slogans and chants echoed in the streets and were heard by thousands of workers, which attentively witnessed the small but militant steps of our contingents, that sang: “¡Que viva, que viva, que viva el comunismo!, ¡que muera, que muera que muera el capitalismo!” (Long live communism, death to capitalism) 

Around 50,000 workers from different unions participated in the demonstration, opposing the fascist reformist labor law the government is pushing, which favors temporary contracts, reduces compensation for layoffs and cancels some “working rights.” In the meantime union leaders are trying to win the workers to accept the reforms or to vote for their electoral parties. Our Party put forward a differet solution to the masses: destroy the bosses´ laws with a communist revolution to establish a society run in the interests of workers.   

The demonstration motivated young and old members of the Party. Workers joining the demonstration for the first time were impressed by seeing the communist flags and hearing chants amongst the thousands of workers. It was a successful May Day and we will invite more people next year. Communism is the future of humanity; our dedication and determination in the struggle will make it possible. Until Victory! Long Live the PLP