
Raising the Red Flag At Occupy Baltimore

18 November 2011 46 hits

BALTIMORE, November 14 — A Progressive Labor Party tent is now part of Occupy Baltimore at McKeldin Square.  On our second night there, a red flag was mounted high on a light pole near PL’s tent.  Some of the occupiers, who have stayed at the square overnight for many weeks, inquired about the flag’s meaning.  PL members replied that it stands for communism.  They explained that red is the communist color, in honor of the thousands whose blood was spilled when the Paris Commune — the first time workers took power, in 1871 — was attacked and defeated by capitalists. 

The PL’ers pointed out that these Communards took bold steps toward equality. They made a rule, for example, that leaders could have no more resources than ordinary workers, and that leaders could be immediately recalled if they failed to serve the working class.  At the end of this conversation, the folks who asked about the red flag were respectful and pleased. They saw the flag as a worthy addition to the occupation.

‘When We Fought the Nazis, You Had Our Back!’

Earlier on, PL members had given three revolutionary communist speeches at various occupation events.  After one of those speeches, a listener approached a Party comrade, gave him a big hug, and said, “You may not remember, but ten years ago when we fought the Nazis, you had our back!”

One issue of CHALLENGE has been widely distributed at the occupation.  With our tent, and more ongoing PL participation within the movement, CHALLENGE will certainly be read by many at McKeldin Square. To up the ante, the Baltimore PL club recently made plans to organize a Party-led, communist study group session at the occupation.  Young comrades have taken the responsibility to make this happen.  Our planned topic will be how to defeat the 1%.  In other words, PL members will be winning workers and youth closer to the understanding that violent revolution is necessary, and that the communist PLP must be built to provide leadership in that struggle.

One of the occupiers, who has been sleeping at the square since the beginning, volunteered to help Party members put up the red flag.  This friendly neighbor said he had no problem putting up a communist flag because our perspective, he said, is the most conservative point of view among Occupy Baltimore activists. 

In reality, the opposite is true.  Fighting for communism is actually the most revolutionary, winning strategy.  This conversation served as a reminder that the death of the old communist movement has left many workers, students, and soldiers discouraged.  They think communism can’t work.  But PL has looked carefully at the strengths and mistakes of the old communist movement.  We have learned much from the heroic experience of those who came before us.  Without question, the working class and its revolutionary Party will sooner or later smash capitalism and build a truly egalitarian world!