
Nazism Alive and Well in Baltimore Racist Capitalism Knows No Bounds

22 September 2011 54 hits

A ‘‘study’’ rivaling Nazi experiments on World War II prisoners were carried out in Baltimore’s poor neighborhoods by the Kennedy Krieger Institute, affiliated with Johns Hopkins University, which for six years ‘‘knowingly expos[ed] black children as young as a year old to lead poisoning...exploring the hazards of lead paint’’ (NY Times, 9/16).

Lawyers in a class action suit said ‘‘more than 100 children were endangered by high levels of lead dust in their homes despite assurances from the...Institute that the houses were ‘lead safe.’’’ The Institute provided no medical treatment to the children, who ranged in age from 12 months to five years old.

The ‘‘children were enticed into living in lead-tainted housing...and intentionally subjected to lead poisoning,’’ said the suit, presumably to ‘‘assess the success of lead paint...abatement measures.’’ The suit stated that, ‘‘Nothing about the research was designed to treat the...children for lead poisoning.’’ Baltimore has the highest lead poisoning rates in the U.S.

One court compared the experiment ‘‘to the Tuskegee syphilis experiment which withheld medical treatment for African-American men with syphilis’’ (NYT).

One lawyer declared that when parents signed consent forms, the contracts failed to provide a complete and clear explanation about the research. David Armstrong, father of the lead plaintiff, said he was not told that his son, aged 3, was being introduced to elevated levels of lead paint dust. During the two-year experiment, the child received no medical treatment for lead. Later when he took his son to a pediatrician, he discovered the boy had blood lead levels 2½ to 3 times higher than before the experiment began.

‘‘I thought they had cleaned everything [in the apartment] and it would be a safe place,’’ Mr. Armstrong said. ‘‘They said it was ‘lead safe.’’’

The Institute’s CEO said, ‘‘The research was conducted in the best interests of all the children enrolled.’’

Such are the depths to which capitalist racism sinks. Only by exterminating this stinking system will the working class ever be free of such racist attacks on our children.