
Rebellion Forces Cop Retreat After Racist Murder

17 January 2013 39 hits

CHICAGO, January 3 — Racist police terror is a tool of the bosses to keep workers under control. Cops only serve and protect the capitalist class. On December 15, the Chicago kkkops shot and murdered 23-year-old Jamaal Moore. After crashing Jamaal’s car, the cops shot the young man twice in the back — all while the entire community watched in horror.
CPD (Chicago Police Department) claims he was involved with an armed robbery. Yet Jamaal was unarmed. His “gun” turned out to be a flashlight. The police murdered Jamaal in cold blood because capitalism does not value the lives of workers. These racist cops will continue to get away with murder until we smash capitalism and establish a communist society run by and for the working class.
This racist murder did not go unanswered; a rebellion ensued as residents threw bottles, bricks, rocks and whatever they could lay their hands on.  They smashed police car windows and forced the cops to retreat. After Jamaal was murdered, the community made a memorial at the scene, which the CPD have torn down multiple times. One plan of action is to rebuild the memorial and add to it during our weekly rallies.
In response to Jamaal’s murder, PLP has been holding weekly rallies and CHALLENGE sales on the corner where Jamaal was gunned down. We have met dozens of workers who witnessed the police killing and are furious at the constant harassment and mistreatment they face from these racist police. We are in contact with workers who are eager to organize for a better world because they recognize that this system has nothing but misery to offer. One young worker said, “We are like prey out here.” We are organizing these workers to continue the fight-back that they started and advance the struggle with the communist idea to take state power away from the bosses who use the police to brutalize and murder our class. We recognize that police murders occur not only in the black and Latino neighborhoods of Chicago but also worldwide. In 2012 alone, thousands of families have been victimized by these racist killings, including:
Manuel Diaz (Anaheim, CA)
Stephon Watts (Calumet City, IL)
Reynaldo Cuevas (Bronx, NY)
Shantel Davis (Brooklyn, NY)
Damael D’Haiti (Port-au-Price, Haiti)
Ramarley Graham (Bronx, NY)
These crimes by the police must end, but the racist court system will never bring us the justice we need. We must give everyone, not just the few, a chance at a better life. Only through struggle and communist revolution will this change.
PLP is helping to lead fight-backs against the police and the rich masters they serve. Racist terror is an integral part of capitalism; it is how the bosses keep us workers divided, scared, and submissive. Exploitation, racism and sexism are intrinsic to capitalism. In a communist society those things would be illegal and punishable. PLP is organizing workers to destroy this system to replace it with a communist society.